Massive 'eyeball' exoplanet looking like perfect candidate for alien life

Researchers at the University of Montreal believe a vast ocean on exoplanet LHS 1140 b may be teeming with alien life.

Small change in Earth's oxygen levels may have sparked huge evolutionary leap

New research provides the clearest evidence yet that the Cambrian explosion - a rapid burst of evolution 540 million years ago, could have been triggered by only a small increase in oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere and shallow ocean waters.

Exoplanet art lets you visualize alien worlds

Martin Vargic illustrated more than 1,100 exoplanets based on astronomical discoveries. His art is a attempt to artistically visualize and compare thousands of exoplanets of all types and sizes according to observational data. 

Chemistry Discovery on Mars Hints at The Origins of Life on Earth

A team of researchers has uncovered evidence of its origins in the atmosphere, where carbon dioxide bathed in ultraviolet sunlight reacted to form a mist of carbon molecules that rained onto the planet's surface.

Astronomers Reveal Stunning Image of Baby Star Coming Into Existence

james Webb Space Telescope continues to revolutionise astronomy - it now shows the birth of a star. The star is named L1527, and at this young age, it's still ensconced in the molecular cloud that spawned it.

Breakthrough in Study of Mysterious Antikythera Mechanism

Researchers say they've used cutting-edge gravitational wave research to shed new light on a nearly 2,000-year-old mystery.

NASA Probe Spies Plumes Above Jupiter Moon's Lava Lakes

From around 2,400 miles away, the probe’s Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) instrument “revealed that the whole surface of Io is covered by lava lakes contained in caldera-like features.

Missing Dwarf Galaxies Found Near The Milky Way in The Worst Place

The two new satellites, named Virgo III and Sextans II, were discovered in a region of space already crowded with more dwarf galaxies than models of dark matter predict.

This Mysterious Black Hole at The Dawn of Time Weighs a Billion Suns

A black hole discovered lurking in the Cosmic Dawn is just way too big to easily explain.

The Shape of The Solar System Has Changed Dramatically

The shape of the Solar System was once a little more on the doughy side. Before it arranged itself into a flattened disk, the distribution of dust and rocks had more in common with a donut than a pancake. 

James Webb Observes Mysterious Structures Above Jupiter's Great Red Spot

The glow above the Great Red Spot on Jupiter has recently been discovered and the researchers suspect that something else altogether is causing it  - powerful gravitational interactions rarely seen on Earth.

New class of Mars quakes reveals daily meteorite strikes

An international team of researchers combine orbital imagery with seismological data from NASA’s Mars InSight lander to derive a new impact rate for meteorite strikes on Mars. 

NASA selects SpaceX to destroy the International Space Station

In a contract worth up to US$843 million, NASA has selected SpaceX to design the "US Deorbit Vehicle." The spacecraft will bring the $150 billion International Space Station out of orbit to safely and burn up in our atmosphere.

Two large asteroids safely pass Earth just 42 hours apart

Two large asteroids will safely pass Earth this week, a rare occurrence perfectly timed to commemorate this year's Asteroid Day.

China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe returns with samples from far side of the moon

China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe returned to Earth on Tuesday, bringing back the first-ever samples from the unexplored far side of the moon.