Chicago School Kid Discovers New Cancer-Fighting Compound

A natural compound produced by the bacterium is wholly new to science, and in the lab, it shows cancer-fighting properties.

High school students present five new ways of proving Pythagoras' Theorem

In 2022, U.S. high school students Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson astonished teachers when they discovered a new way to prove Pythagoras' theorem using trigonometry after entering a competition at their local high school.

Popular musical band cancels touring because of the environment

British rock band Coldplay has announced that it will hold off touring its newest album until it can be sure that concerts will be "environmentally beneficial." Coldplay aren't the only musical celebrities citing environmental concerns these days.

UK company has Launched a 4K Video Stream to Space

In their drive towards "democratizing space", the private aerospace company Sen recently demonstrated the capabilities of their 4K video streaming satellite. The purpose of this is to educate the public on our ever-changing world.

Protesters Kick Off a Week of Global Climate Action

Thousands of protesters around the world took to the streets as part of a wave of coordinated action. The protesters want the world’s governments to stop sleepwalking through humanity’s last best chance at ecological salvation.

Thousands of Amazon employees call to tackle climate change

In an unprecedented public push to change Amazon policies, nearly 4,500 employees have put their names to a letter asking CEO Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos and its board of directors to become global leaders in fighting climate change.

Emma Haruka Iwao smashes pi world record with Google help

Emma Haruka Iwao, a Google employee from Japan, found the new digits with the help of the company's cloud computing service. The value of the number pi has been calculated to a new world record length of 31 trillion digits.

14-Year-Old Kid Is The Youngest Person to Achieve Nuclear Fusion

U.S. teenager Jackson Oswalt is not your average 14-year-old. The budding nuclear engineer has been working on this project since he was 12, and on 19 January 2018 he reportedly achieved his mission.

Schoolkid Who Went On Strike And Sparked A Global Movement

Greta Thunberg skipped her lessons to encourage politicians to act on climate change. Just a few months after students all over the world started walking out of their classrooms in the name of climate change.

Guardian Of The Golden Gate Bridge, U.S. Has Saved More Than 200 Lives

For more than 20 years, Kevin Briggs has been preventing people from jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge through compassionate conversations.

Famous Men Who Boldly Stood Up for Women in 2018

The gender pay gap persists, women are most likely to live in poverty and sexual violence remains rampant. But here are 13 famous men who stood up for women in 2018.

A 19-year-old developed the code for the AI portrait

Robbie Barrat, from US, developed the code for the AI “Portrait of Edmond Belamy” that sold for $432,500 at an internationally celebrated art auction.

School-in-a-Box brings the gift of learning to Papua New Guinea

Architects worked with the non-profit SEAM to create School-in-a-Box, a portable school that helps bring accessible education to remote areas.

23-Year-old Invents Method to Break Down Unrecyclable Plastic

Miranda Wang has found a simple way to break down polyethylene and turn it into an essential ingredient for nylon, which otherwise uses petroleum.

German 12-Year-old Boy Plants 1Million Trees

Felix Finkbeiner is on a mission to get children around the world to plant a million trees in every single country for his booming Trillion Tree Program.