Renewable energy megaprojects around the world

With much of the developed world hastening its transition to renewables, take a look at some renewable megaprojects around the globe.

World's largest renewable energy plant would be bigger than entire countries

The world’s largest planned renewable energy project would be bigger than entire countries, with onshore wind turbines potentially triple the size of current market leading machines, according to new documents.

Switzerland to Launch World-First Solar Panels on Railway Tracks

Switzerland is leading the way in clean energy with a world-first project: the installation of removable solar panels on active railway tracks. 

Extreme Temperatures Hold Untapped Potential for Solar and Wind Energy

Extreme temperature events are often accompanied by greater solar radiation and higher wind speeds that could be captured by solar panels and wind turbines.

Renewables 2023 report: solar, China drive record renewable capacity additions

Solar power accounted for three quarters of renewables capacity additions, of which PV in China alone topped the entire 2022 global figure.

Wind energy in Europe: 2023 Statistics and the outlook for 2024-2030

Europe installed 18.3 GW of new wind power capacity in 2023. The EU-27 installed 16.2 GW of this, a record amount but only half of what it should be building to meet its 2030 climate and energy targets.

The world has already crossed a solar power tipping point

Solar power (also known as photovoltaics, or PV) is likely to become the dominant power source worldwide by 2050, according to a new study.

Scientists invent self-healing solar panels with "miracle material"

Australian scientists have invented a next-generation solar panel capable of healing itself when damaged in space. 

Scientists Beam Solar Power to Earth from Space for First Time Ever

The MAPLE experiment was able to wirelessly transfer collected solar power to receivers in space and direct energy to Earth

Scientists have found a way of making electricity from thin air

Scientists in the US have developed a device that can harvest humidity in the air to create a clean electricity supply. According to the researchers “nearly any material can be turned into a device that harvests electricity from air”.

Japan's First Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farm

Japan marked progress toward its green energy transition with the start of a new offshore wind farm at Noshiro Port in Akita Prefecture.

World's first wind farm with 16 MW turbines

Construction of the world’s first offshore wind farm featuring 16 megawatt (MW) wind turbines has started in China.

Europe's largest solar power project is underway in Portugal

The facility will generate energy that is equivalent to 370 million cubic meters of gas per year.

2022, year when solar age truly began

The record-breaking 2022 EU solar market is 38% or 10 GW higher than what SolarPower Europe expected one year ago.

Big company sets a new record for the most renewable energy purchased

Amazon's purchases last year bring the company closer to powering its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025, five years ahead of its original 2030 target.