Wind energy in Europe: 2023 Statistics and the outlook for 2024-2030

Europe installed 18.3 GW of new wind power capacity in 2023. The EU-27 installed 16.2 GW of this, a record amount but only half of what it should be building to meet its 2030 climate and energy targets.

World’s first major act to regulate AI

The European Union’s parliament approved the world’s first major set of regulatory ground rules to govern the mediatized artificial intelligence at the forefront of tech investment.

Europe is world's fastest warming continent: climate report

Europe should brace for more deadly heatwaves driven by climate change, said a sweeping report on Monday, noting the world's fastest-warming continent was some 2.3 degrees Celsius hotter last year than in pre-industrial times.

2022, year when solar age truly began

The record-breaking 2022 EU solar market is 38% or 10 GW higher than what SolarPower Europe expected one year ago.

Glaciers in the Alps are melting faster than ever

Austrian glaciers have also lost more glacial ice in 2022 than they have in 70 years of observations and therefore it is quite clear that severe melt has been the norm in 2022.

Germany, France call on EU countries to also ban culling of male chicks

France and Germany are now calling on other EU countries to follow their lead in banning the controversial practice of culling male chicks, which both countries pledged to end from January 2022. 

Renewable Hydrogen Coalition launched

The new coalition will support and accelerate the uptake of renewable hydrogen solutions in Europe. The goal is to produce 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen by 2030 in the EU.