Obesity Affects Sperm Count: Brain Mechanism Behind Fertility Decline

A research team discovered that obesity causes chronic changes in the brain which affects sperm count.

German man "cured HIV after stem cell transplant

A German man's HIV has likely been cured after undergoing a stem cell transplant in a first-of-its-kind case, scientists announced recently ahead of the next International AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany.

Exercise brain boost can last for years

A longitudinal study by UQ researchers has found high-intensity interval exercise improves brain function in older adults for up to 5 years.

NASA's Curiosity Rover Discovers a Surprise in a Martian Rock

Among several recent findings, the rover has found rocks made of pure sulfur — a first on the Red Planet.

This Plant Is So Extreme Scientists Think It Could Thrive on Mars

Mosses are among Earth's great terraformers, turning barren rock into fertile soils, and now a team of scientists is proposing these non-vascular plants could do the same on Mars.

Loss of oxygen in bodies of water identified as new tipping point

Oxygen concentrations in our planet's waters are decreasing rapidly and dramatically—from ponds to the ocean. The loss of oxygen in water, also referred to as aquatic deoxygenation, is a threat to life at all levels.

Your therapist wants you to go outside

A meta-analysis of existing research shows exposure to nature, even as little as 10 minutes, could benefit those with diagnosed mental illness.

Scientists discover underground cave on the moon

A team of Italian researchers say they have discovered evidence of a lunar cave and suspect that there could be hundreds more.

Magic Mushrooms 'Trip' Your Brain Out of Sync For Weeks, Study Finds

Once maligned for their psychedelic properties, magic mushrooms are increasingly attracting attention for their same mind-altering potential as a therapy for a wide variety of mental health issues.

Melting ice caps slow Earth's spin, lengthening days at 'unprecedented' rate

A new study says that the melting of the polar ice caps is causing our planet to spin more slowly. As the Earth turns more slowly, the length of day increases, intensifying the effects of a warming climate.

Scientists discover new anti-ageing secrets from the world's longest-living sharks

Previously, it was thought that this long lifespan was due to the shark’s cold environment and minimal movement. Now, it’s been discovered that the factors behind this species extreme longevity appear to be far more complex.

World Population Expected to Reach 10.3 Billion in 2080s

A new report says the world's population is expected to reach 10.3 billion in the 2080s. The United Nations document suggests that after reaching the peak, the population will then decrease to about 10.2 billion by the end of the century.

New hybrid perovskite solar cell boasts long life and high efficiency

In the world of solar cell technology, perovskite materials are poised to take on the current reigning champion silicon, but their stability is holding them back. Now, scientists in China have developed a new type of hybrid perovskite.

We Weighed A Neutron Star To Glimpse The Strange Physics Inside

Neutron stars are some of the most extreme objects in the universe. Formed from the collapsed cores of supergiant stars, they weigh more than our Sun and yet are compressed into a sphere the size of a city.

Gobsmacking Study Finds Life on Earth Emerged 4.2 Billion Years Ago

A new study has found that life on Earth emerged surprisingly early. Scientists have determined that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA), the first organism that spawned all the life that exists today on Earth, emerged as early as 4.2 billion years ago.