Juno spots most extreme volcanic activity on Io to date

During a flyby of Jupiter’s moon Io on December 27, 2024, NASA’s Juno spacecraft discovered an astonishing volcanic hotspot in the moon’s southern hemisphere.

Eerie Features Seen on Mars Are Unlike Anything on Earth

Though it's a cold, dead planet, Mars still has its own natural beauty about it. This image shows us something we'll never see on Earth - Martian CO2 geysers.

Lakes on Mars had ripples! They must have been ice-free

We know that lakes existed on Mars’ surface billions of years ago. But scientists have debated whether the lakes were open to the air or covered by a layer of ice. 

One half of Mars different to the other. "Marsquakes" may have just revealed the answer

The southern highlands of Mars (which cover about two-thirds of the planet’s surface) rise as much as five or six kilometres higher than the northern lowlands. Nowhere else in the Solar System do we see such a large, sharp contrast at this scale.

Top three images from BepiColombo's sixth Mercury flyby

On 8 January 2025, the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission flew past Mercury for the sixth time, successfully completing the final "gravity assist manoeuvre" needed to steer it into orbit around the planet in late 2026.

Citizen science reveals that Jupiter's colorful clouds are not made of ammonia ice

Collaborative work by amateur and professional astronomers has helped to resolve a long-standing misunderstanding about the composition of Jupiter's clouds.

New evidence exists for hidden water reservoirs and rare magmas on ancient Mars

The research suggests that the thick crust of Mars' southern highlands formed billions of years ago generated granitic magmas and sustained vast underground aquifers.

Saturn's Rings May Be as Old as the Gas Giant Itself

Saturn’s icy rings could be much older than they appear due to their resistance to pollution from impacts with rocky debris.

NASA Performs First Aircraft Accident Investigation on Another World

The review takes a close look the final flight of the agency’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, which was the first aircraft to fly on another world.

Researchers deal a blow to theory that Venus once had liquid water on its surface

A team of astronomers has found that Venus has never been wet, despite decades of speculation that our closest planetary neighbour was once much more like Earth than it is today.

A 4.45 billion-year-old crystal from Mars reveals the planet had water from the beginning

The history of water on early Mars is not certain. Determining when water first appeared, where and for how long, are all burning questions that drive Mars exploration. 

Curiosity Views Sulfur Crystals Within a Crushed Rock

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover viewed these yellow crystals of elemental sulfur using its Mast Camera. The discovery marks the first time this mineral has ever been found in a pure form on Mars. 

Uranus Is Getting Mysteriously Colder

Measurements over the years show that the planet's upper atmosphere is cooling and that the temperature has halved. None of the other planets experienced the same changes.

This Meteorite Just Revealed an Ancient Signal of Water on Mars

According to a new analysis of the Lafayette Meteorite, minerals within it formed in the presence of water 742 million years ago. It's a real breakthrough in the dating of aqueous minerals on Mars.

Scientist Says NASA Lander May Have Accidentally Killed Life on Mars

Astrobiologist Dirk Schulze-Makuch believes that humans may have unintentionally killed life on Mars in the 1970s.