Researchers deal a blow to theory that Venus once had liquid water on its surface

A team of astronomers has found that Venus has never been wet, despite decades of speculation that our closest planetary neighbour was once much more like Earth than it is today.

Impact craters on Venus revealed by new research

Researchers have discovered what may be a long-hidden record of ancient impact craters on Venus, shedding light on a planetary history distinct from Earth's.

'Continents' of Venus Hint at Surprising Link to Early Earth

Venus and Earth seem like twins who, through dramatically different circumstances and choices, ended up leading dramatically different lives.

Recent and extensive volcanism discovered on Venus

A new analysis of data collected on Venus more than 30 years ago suggests the planet may currently be volcanically active.

A new explanation for what happened to the water on Venus

A new study details dissociative recombination, which may have led to Venus losing its water.

Venus' atmosphere is leaking gases into space

BepiColombo made two flybys of Venus on its journey to Mercury. The spacecraft found carbon and oxygen escaping into space in a previously unexplored region of Venus’ magnetosphere. 

Oxygen directly detected in Venus clouds

Researchers have made the first direct detection of atomic oxygen in the atmosphere of Venus. Some say it builds the case the planet was more hospitable in the past.

Venus' ancient Earth-like plate tectonics

A recent study suggests that Venus, typically viewed as a fiery wasteland, may have experienced Earth-like plate tectonics in its distant past.

Physicist encourages continuing the search for life in Venus' atmosphere

In a recent paper a UK physicist uses past missions and recent findings to encourage the importance of searching for life in the atmosphere of the solar system's most inhospitable planet, Venus.

Volcanoes on Venus may still be active

US scientists say they've found evidence of a volcanic eruption in data captured 30 years ago by the Magellan spacecraft.

Venus Never Had Oceans, New Study Suggests

New research suggests that water never condensed and that, consequently, oceans never formed on the surface of Venus. One of the main reasons for this is the clouds that form preferentially on the night side of the planet.

'Signs of life' on Venus might just be ordinary sulfur gas

The widely-publicized detection of phosphine gas on Venus – a possible "biosignature" suggesting the hellish planet could have living microbes in its clouds – was probably caused by sulfur gas.

Venus' Atmosphere Contains Amino Acids

A team of researchers claims they've discovered the amino acid glycine in Venus' atmosphere. There are about 500 known amino acids, but only 20 are present in the genetic code. Glycine is the simplest of them.

Possible Microbial Life on Venus

An international team of scientists have recently found the abundances of phosphine in the Venusian cloud decks. It might - just might - be a biosignature.

Scientists discover volcanoes on Venus are still active

A new study identified 37 recently active volcanic structures on Venus. The study provides some of the best evidence yet that Venus is still a geologically active planet.