Jupiter's moon Callisto is very likely an ocean world

Recent expanded analysis much more strongly suggests that Callisto hosts a subsurface ocean.

Salt deposits found on a asteroid Ryugu

A team of researchers has found evidence of salt minerals in samples recovered from Ryugu during the initial phase of Japan's Hayabusa2 mission.

Curiosity Spots Noctilucent Clouds in Martian Atmosphere

New images, taken over 16 min on January 17, 2025 by the Mastcam instrument on NASA's Curiosity rover, show noctilucent, or twilight clouds, in the atmosphere of Mars.

Marsquakes From Meteoroids Go Deeper Than Expected

Meteoroids striking Mars produce seismic signals that can reach deeper into the planet than previously known. 

Trench-like features on Uranus's moon Ariel may be windows to its interior

Last year, a study proposed that deposits of carbon dioxide ice and other carbon-bearing molecules on Uranus's moon Ariel likely originated from chemical processes inside the moon—possibly even from a subsurface ocean.

Mysterious Radiation Belts Detected Around Earth After Epic Solar Storm

In the months following massive solar storm in May, 2024, Earth was girded by two new, temporary radiation belts of high-energy particles, trapped by the planet's magnetic field.

Here's What Would Happen If Asteroid Bennu Hit Earth

Bennu has a 1-in-2,700 chance of colliding with Earth in 2182, causing a global winter and drought.

Ancient asteroid strike carved out 2 grand canyons on the Moon

New research shows that when an asteroid slammed into the moon billions of years ago, it carved out a pair of grand canyons on the lunar far side.

Juno spots most extreme volcanic activity on Io to date

During a flyby of Jupiter’s moon Io on December 27, 2024, NASA’s Juno spacecraft discovered an astonishing volcanic hotspot in the moon’s southern hemisphere.

Eerie Features Seen on Mars Are Unlike Anything on Earth

Though it's a cold, dead planet, Mars still has its own natural beauty about it. This image shows us something we'll never see on Earth - Martian CO2 geysers.

Is the moon geologically dead? Maybe not, says new evidence

Recently scientists found 266 lunar ridges on the far side: evidence the Moon has been active within the past 200 million years and might still be active today.

Lakes on Mars had ripples! They must have been ice-free

We know that lakes existed on Mars’ surface billions of years ago. But scientists have debated whether the lakes were open to the air or covered by a layer of ice. 

One half of Mars different to the other. "Marsquakes" may have just revealed the answer

The southern highlands of Mars (which cover about two-thirds of the planet’s surface) rise as much as five or six kilometres higher than the northern lowlands. Nowhere else in the Solar System do we see such a large, sharp contrast at this scale.

Top three images from BepiColombo's sixth Mercury flyby

On 8 January 2025, the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission flew past Mercury for the sixth time, successfully completing the final "gravity assist manoeuvre" needed to steer it into orbit around the planet in late 2026.

Citizen science reveals that Jupiter's colorful clouds are not made of ammonia ice

Collaborative work by amateur and professional astronomers has helped to resolve a long-standing misunderstanding about the composition of Jupiter's clouds.