Thousands of Undiscovered Genes May Be Hidden in DNA 'Dark Matter'

Combining several existing datasets, scientists zeroed in on thousands of potential new genes that make roughly 3,000 miniproteins.

Scientists Discover 'Skinny Genes' That Make It Easier to Lose Weight

Scientists have recently discovered 14 'skinny' genes that could influence how individuals lost weight in response to exercise.

Brains of The Living And The Dead Don't Read Key Genes in The Same Way

A comparison of post-mortem brain tissue and samples taken from living patients has revealed for the first time significant differences in the way strands of RNA are modified.

New Class of Life Has Been Found in The Human Digestive System

Peering into the jungle of microbes that live within us, researchers have stumbled across what seem to be an entire new class of virus-like objects.

Gene Therapy Allows an 11-Year-Old Boy to Hear for the First Time

The treatment was a success, introducing a child who had known nothing of sound to a new world.

A New Way Our DNA Can Make Novel Genes From Scratch

Researchers from Finland's University of Helsinki found that certain single mutations produce palindromes, which read the same backward and forward. Under the right circumstances, these can evolve into microRNA (miRNA) genes.

Electricity From Electric Eels May Transfer Genetic Material To Nearby Animals

The electric eel is the biggest power-making creature on Earth. It can release up to 860 volts, which is enough to run a machine. In a recent study, Japanese researchers found electric eels can release enough electricity to genetically modify small fish larvae. 

Dinosaurs may have influenced how human beings age

The 'longevity bottleneck' hypothesis has been proposed by Professor Joao Pedro de Magalhaes from the UK. The hypothesis connects the role that dinosaurs played over 100 million years with the aging process in mammals.

Scientists solve the genetic puzzle of sex-related Y chromosome

Scientists have taken an important step forward in understanding the human genome - our genetic blueprint - by fully deciphering the enigmatic Y chromosome present in males, an achievement that could help guide research on infertility in men.

Disappearing Y chromosomes may pave way for new human species

A new study found that the Y chromosomes are degenerating gradually across many species of mammals.

Scientists announce rough draft of human pangenome

To build the pangenome, scientists used data from the 1000 Genomes Project, which included participants from across ethnic groups. The development is a landmark in genomics.

CRISPR Protects Bacteria From Invading Viruses in an Unexpected Way

Recent studies show that the famous gene-editing tool does more in bacteria than just spot DNA for chopping up; it coordinates with other proteins to bulk up defenses against invading viruses as well.

Scientists create mice from two fathers

A new study proves same-sex reproduction in mice is possible, raising the distant possibility of using the same technique for people.

New CRISPR cancer treatment tested in humans for first time

Now scientists have used CRISPR to remove and add genes to these cells to help them recognize a patient’s specific tumor cells. 

World's largest autism study reveals 134 autism-linked genes

The study used whole genome sequencing to examine the entire genomes of over 7,000 individuals with autism. The team found 134 genes linked with ASD and discovered a range of genetic changes.