Scientists destroy 99% of cancer cells using 'vibrating molecules'

The early-stage research - which saw 99 % of melanoma cells eradicated in a lab - could provide new cancer treatment options, experts say.

Breakthrough Therapy Obliterates Deadly Brain Tumor in Days

Brain scans of a 72-year-old man diagnosed with a highly aggressive form of cancer known as a glioblastoma have revealed a remarkable regression in his tumor's size within days of receiving an innovative new treatment.

California Man Free of HIV And Cancer in Astonishing Medical Recovery

The patient is now considered in remission from acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), and in another two years, he could be considered 'cured' of HIV, as that will mark five years from his last treatment.

Scientists destroy 99% of cancer cells in lab using 'vibrating molecules'

Scientists in the US have found a way to destroy cancer cells by stimulating molecules with near-infrared light and causing them to vibrate. The researchers found that the method was 99 % effective against melanoma cells.

Aggressive Cancer Cells Transformed Into Healthy Cells in Breakthrough

Scientists have successfully induced rhabdomyosarcoma cells to transform into normal, healthy muscle cells. It's a breakthrough that could lead to similar breakthroughs for other types of human cancers.

New CRISPR cancer treatment tested in humans for first time

Now scientists have used CRISPR to remove and add genes to these cells to help them recognize a patient’s specific tumor cells. 

First Patient Injected With Experimental Cancer-Killing Virus

An experimental cancer-killing virus has been administered to a human patient for the first time, with hopes the testing will ultimately reveal evidence of a new means of successfully fighting cancer tumors in people.

The Ten Most Significant Science Stories of 2020

From the rapid development of vaccines for Covid-19 to the stunning collection of an asteroid sample, these were the biggest science moments of the year.

Researchers probe microbiome-cancer treatment link

There's a lot of evidence to suggest that the gut microbiota play a role. Over the next year, US researchers will try to suss out how millions of tiny microbes living inside us might make the difference between a cancer treatment's success and its failure.

Breakthrough in childhood cancer

UK scientists have been able to identify a chromosome signature for the group of children needing more intensive, aggressive chemotherapy treatment for the most common form of brain cancer.

Treatments that cause the immune system to attack cancer earn a Nobel

The Nobel Prize Committee has honored two researchers for their role in pioneering a new avenue for cancer treatment, one where the therapy targets the immune system, which then goes on to attack the cancer.

Drug With 93% Success Rate for Pediatric Cancers Gets a Breakthrough Status

The drug Larotrectinib, which had no severe side effects, showed “unprecedented” success with certain pediatric tumors, as well as several adult forms of cancer.

Australia May Become First Country to Eliminate Cervical Cancer

Thanks to the astonishing effectiveness of the HPV vaccine, Australia is on track to becoming the first country to eliminate cervical cancer.

Australian researchers say they can stop melanoma spreading

Researchers say a combination of new treatments can stop the world's deadliest form of skin cancer—melanoma.