Magnetic Sense in Animals Could Be Shockingly Close to Quantum Limits

Physicists have now discovered two types of sensors in animals that can detect magnetic fields close to the quantum limit, information that could improve our own design of magnetometer devices.

Cephalopods Pass Cognitive Test Designed For Human Children

Back in 2021, a test of cephalopod smarts reinforced how important it is for us humans to not underestimate animal intelligence.

Mysterious Cause of Massive Elephant Die-Off in 2020 Finally Revealed

The first dead elephants were discovered in May 2020. By July of that year, over 350 of the endangered animals had been found strewn lifeless across a remote region of Botswana.

Humpback whale breaks record for longest migration

A male humpback whale that traveled three oceans, during the years 2013 to 2022. This whale has now broken the record for the longest documented distance yet traveled by a humpback. The animal undertook a journey of 12,875 km.

Wolves 'Mimicking Bees' - A Groundbreaking Pollination by Species

Endangered Abyssinian Wolves Observed Pollinating Flowers in Ethiopia, Making Them the First, Large Carnivorous Animal to Do So.

Scientists Reveal a Shocking Solution to The Chicken or Egg Paradox

Life on Earth may have developed the ability to form embryos even before it grew the very first animals.

Zombie Caterpillar Fungus Could Be Used to Save Human Lives

A compound found in a parasitic fungus that commonly paralyzes and kills caterpillars has been shown to block pathways critical for the growth of some cancers.

Plastic-eating insect discovered in Kenya

There’s been an exciting new discovery in the fight against plastic pollution: mealworm larvae that are capable of consuming polystyrene.

Obscure Fungus Shows Signs of Rudimentary Intelligence

Resaerchers found that a specific fungus can recognize shapes, and communicate information about their surroundings throughout their network.

Geckos Have "Sixth Sense", Biologists Say

Geckos use the saccule - a part of their inner ear traditionally associated with maintaining balance and body positioning  - to detect low-frequency vibrations, according to a duo of biologists.

Mass Die-Off in Bats Across US Linked to Over 1,000 Human Infant Deaths

A new study has found more than 1,000 human infant deaths resulted from the loss of bats in North America – which led to increased pesticide use, a grim reminder of how vital this much-maligned mammal is to our wellbeing.

Elephant Species Vanished at a Shocking Rate With The Rise of Modern Humans

Around 20,000 years ago, mammoths and their relatives were relatively plentiful. By about 10,000 years ago, they were all but extinct, their disappearance shockingly sudden given the millions of years they thrived on Earth.

Protecting Just 1.2% of Earth's Land Could Stave Off Mass Extinction

To save a diversity of plants and animals from the current mass extinction, the UN introduced a historic 'peace pact with nature' at the end of 2022, in which countries pledged to turn 30 % of the planet into protected zones by 2030.

Scientists discover new anti-ageing secrets from the world's longest-living sharks

Previously, it was thought that this long lifespan was due to the shark’s cold environment and minimal movement. Now, it’s been discovered that the factors behind this species extreme longevity appear to be far more complex.