Have you heard of the 3+30+300 rule for urban forestry? See how Melbourne and Sydney compare to New York, Denver, Seattle, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam and Singapore on trees, canopy and park proximity.
Emerging research suggests that we may absorb essential nutrients from the air we breathe, a concept now being explored under the term “aeronutrients.”
A new study explores how marine biodiversity conservation, human health and wellbeing are connected.
Recent science is showing plant communication systems may be more complex than we imagined.
A meta-analysis of existing research shows exposure to nature, even as little as 10 minutes, could benefit those with diagnosed mental illness.
Recent study showed that those who made it to their hundredth birthday tended to have lower levels of glucose, creatinine and uric acid from their sixties onwards.
Early childhood exposure to green areas near the home during critical growth and development periods has a positive impact on bone health, said researchers.
This brutal challenge to our existing systems may open new windows of opportunity for long-awaited change. Here’s a list of 16 positive changes to the collective mindset this era of emergency may bring.
Recent study shows that any amount of running is associated with a 27% lower risk of death from all causes for both sexes, compared with no running. It is also associated with a 30% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Germany will ban the use of the weedkiller glyphosate - the subject of billion-dollar U.S lawsuits over claims it causes cancer - from the end of 2023 and limit its use before then.
Beverly Hills has passed what experts say is the most restrictive tobacco ban in the nation, barring the sale of virtually all nicotine products and setting the stage for similar laws in other cities.
Between 2011 and 2018, average monthly cigarette consumption fell by nearly a quarter, equating to around 118 million fewer cigarettes being smoked every month.
The state of New Jersey has become the first in the United States to prohibit the use of wild and exotic animals by traveling shows and circuses.
Loneliness is becoming a serious problem all over the world, and Sainsbury's is introducing 'Talking Tables' in its cafés. The tables will have signs saying 'Reserved for customers in the mood for having a chat'.
Make every building Passivhaus, need less, keep it simple, buy less, electrify everything. But ultimately we have to collectively change our thinking and lifestyle.