From 8 global cities only Singapore passed the 30% tree test

Have you heard of the 3+30+300 rule for urban forestry? See how Melbourne and Sydney compare to New York, Denver, Seattle, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam and Singapore on trees, canopy and park proximity.

Bone Are Stronger in Kids Living Near Green Areas

Early childhood exposure to green areas near the home during critical growth and development periods has a positive impact on bone health, said researchers.

Living near a green space can reduce your biological age by 2.5 years

A joint Spanish and American research team found that people living near green spaces are on average 2.5 years biologically younger than those who do not.

How COVID-19 could speed up smart-city visionі

Authorities all over the world are wondering whether the pre-COVID-19 traffic madness will return to their cities or if there's an alternative that can make them healthier, greener and a lot smarter than previously.

Biodiverse urban green spaces strengthen human immune systems

An Australian research team has found that revegetation of green spaces within cities can improve soil microbiota diversity towards a more natural, biodiverse state, which has been linked to human health benefits.

People are realizing how badly they need nature

Coronavirus is forcing people to reevaluate natural outdoor spaces for the first time in decades. Ideally, this pandemic experience will lead planners in urban areas to redesign for more natural green spaces.

Architecture after the coronavirus

Will homes need to adapt to better accommodate work? Will pavements widen so we can keep our distance? Will we no longer want to live so densely packed together, working in open-plan offices ?

Luxembourg Just Made Public Transportation Free

Luxembourg has become the first country in the world to make public transportation free. The European country made the move to reduce car traffic, as cars account for nearly half of travel for work, and 71% of travel for leisure.

Barcelona's car-free smart city experiment

Superblocks is a radical plan to reclaim the streets from the noise and pollution of traffic, one that could save hundreds of lives that might otherwise be lost because of heavily polluted air. It also hopes to act as a blueprint for other cities.

Natural ways of cooling cities

Scientists have been researching the effect of precipitation and population size on rising temperatures in cities compared with the surrounding countryside. They have found that more green spaces can help to lower temperatures in urban zones.

Holland Transforms Bus Stops Into Bee Havens

As the world’s bee populations continue to decline, a province in Holland is taking steps to give these pollinators new ecosystems is transforming over 300 bus stops into green hubs. 

How we will inhabit the future

For the first time in the history of human civilization, most people live in cities. Climate change, water, garbage, transportation flows and digital connectivity will shape the future quality of daily life in our ever-denser habitat.

Robot cities: Three urban prototypes

Fourth industrial revolution driven by robots is shaping urban spaces and urban life in response to opportunities and challenges in economic, social, political and healthcare domains.

Climate change 'will push European cities towards breaking point'

Study highlights urgent need to adapt urban areas to cope with floods, droughts and heatwaves.

How to reduce heat extremes by 2-3 degrees Celsius

How changing crops, moving to no till agriculture and lightening infrastructure can reduce extreme temperatures.