Robots face the future

Researchers have found a way to bind engineered skin tissue to the complex forms of humanoid robots. This brings with it potential benefits to robotic platforms such as increased mobility, self-healing abilities, etc.

Two artificial intelligences talk to each other

After learning and performing a series of basic tasks,  this AI was able to provide a linguistic description of them to a ''sister'' AI, which in turn performed them.

"Robot" made of shape-shifting matter liquefies to escape jail

Researchers have created a new class of robots that can shift between solid and liquid forms on demand. In a series of tests, these new bots could move and change shape to run obstacle courses, carry objects, or even escape from a jail.

A Remote Surgical Robot is Going to the International Space Station

The Miniaturized In-vivo Robotic Assistant (MIRA) is getting ready to fly to the ISS and evaluate if robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) will work in space.

Reprogrammable Chip Lets AI Learn Continuously

The circuit components can seamlessly switch between acting as resistors, memory capacitors, artificial neurons, and artificial synapses. A silicon brain that can rewire itself just like ours might not be so far away.

Ameca robot shows off new level of human-like facial expressions

Engineered Arts, a robot maker based in the U.K., is showing off its latest creation at this year's CES 2022. Called Ameca, the robot is able to display what appears to be the most human-like facial expressions by a robot to date.

Future of Work

The future of technological employment comes down to a key challenge of human-machine collaboration.

The 10 best new technologies coming out of CES 2020

CES is the world's gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. Here are the this year's highlights including robots and wearable devices.

Meet Neo, the floor-scrubbing robot

The two young co-founders of Avidbots, Faizan Sheikh and Pablo Molina have robots cleaning floors in 14 countries. Neo frees workers from doing basic things to concentrate on more complex tasks.

How Microrobots Will Fix Our Roads

Swarms of microrobots will scuttle along beneath our roads and pavements, finding and fixing leaky pipes and faulty cables. That is, if a new project sponsored by the U.K. government is a success.

Humanoid robot prototype capable of heavy labor

Researchers have developed a humanoid robot prototype, HRP-5P, intended to autonomously perform heavy labor or work in hazardous environments.

MIT’s $1 billion college will teach the theory and ethics of AI

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in US announced that it's launching a college which is specifically focused on the "ethical evolution" of AI that is already affecting and shaping our society.

Robotic Skin Brings Inanimate Objects to Life

Typically, robots are built to perform a single task. To make them more adaptable, US researchers have developed a kind of “robotic skin” that transforms ordinary objects into multifunctional robots.

Therapy Robot Teaches Social Skills to Children With Autism

For some children with autism, interacting with others can be an uncomfortable experience. QTrobot can increase these children’s willingness to interact with humans, and decrease discomfort during therapy sessions.

In China, yellow robots deliver snacks to your home

Weighing 30 kg and with a top speed of 12 km per hour on their six wheels, the robots have four cameras constantly scanning the world around them and a laser tele-detection system allowing them to avoid obstacles.