Leaded petrol probably affected the mental health of millions

Americans, especially those born between 1966 and 1986 (largely so-called generation X), have probably suffered from an additional 151 million mental health disorders that would not have occurred without the use of leaded petrol.

High-potency cannabis use leaves a distinct mark on DNA

Knowing how high-potency cannabis alters gene activity may bring us closer to understanding why some users develop psychosis.

Your therapist wants you to go outside

A meta-analysis of existing research shows exposure to nature, even as little as 10 minutes, could benefit those with diagnosed mental illness.

Evolutionary Mismatch Might Be Why We Struggle in Today's World

Research is showing that many of our contemporary problems, such as the rising prevalence of mental health issues, are emerging from rapid technological advancement and modernisation.

People who "flow" may have better mental and cardiovascular health

When we are in a state of flow, it is likely that we are spending less time ruminating over our lives or worrying about the future.

High-Potency Cannabis Tied to Impaired Brain Development, Psychosis, CUD

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations in cannabis products have increased over the years, from around 2%-4% to 15%-24% now. The impact of high-potency products must be taken seriously.

Why diversity in nature could be the key to mental wellbeing

Green spaces with high natural diversity have more mental health benefits than those with low natural diversity.

Science Confirms Hugs Can Ease Pain, Anxiety, And Depression

Hugs and other forms of physical touch can help with physical and mental health in people of all ages, according to a new review of 212 previous studies.

The Human Brain Is Getting Bigger With Each Generation, Study Shows

Researchers have discovered that people born in more recent decades have larger brain volumes compared to those born in earlier decades.

Living in poorer neighborhoods tied to faster brain aging

Living in poorer neighborhoods is linked to higher risk of dementia and faster brain aging, according to new research.

Music-Making is Linked to Better Brain Health

A new study from the University of Exeter, UK shows that playing an instrument into old age is "associated with significantly better performance in working memory and executive function".

AI can already diagnose depression better than a doctor

Research suggests AI could diagnose depression from health records or even social media posts. And it could overcome GP bias when it comes to prescribing medications.

Revolutionary blood test could detect suicidal thoughts

U.S researchers have made a landmark discovery in the field of mental health, potentially leading to a blood test capable of detecting suicidal thoughts in individuals with major depressive disorder.

Longer daily commute linked to poor mental health

A recent study shows how a number of effects of longer daily commutes can snowball into depression. The study was conducted in South Korea, a country with some of the longest average commuting times.