Leaded petrol probably affected the mental health of millions

Americans, especially those born between 1966 and 1986 (largely so-called generation X), have probably suffered from an additional 151 million mental health disorders that would not have occurred without the use of leaded petrol.

Researchers identify previously unknown compound in drinking water

The researchers have now identified chloronitramide anion as an end product of inorganic chloramine decomposition in treated drinking water.

Toxic smog hides Taj Mahal in Delhi, India

Officials in New Delhi, the world's most polluted capital, banned non-essential construction and urged residents to avoid burning coal in an effort to combat worsening air quality.

Radon is linked to childhood leukemia

A study of more than 700 counties across multiple U.S. states found a link between childhood leukemia and levels of decaying radon gas, including those lower than the federal guideline for mitigation.

Airborne plastic chemical levels shock researchers

A new study documents how Southern Californians in U.S. are chronically being exposed to toxic airborne chemicals called plasticizers, including one that's been banned from children's items and beauty products.

Hand Sanitizers Could Damage Critical Supporting Cells In The Brain

Chemicals found in common household disinfectants, glues, and furniture textiles could damage supporting cells in the brain during critical stages of their development, a new study based on human cell cultures and mice has found.

Public exposure to Bisphenol A exceeds acceptable health safety levels

Population exposure to the synthetic chemical Bisphenol A (BPA), which is used in everything from plastic and metal food containers to reusable water bottles and drinking water pipes in Europe is well above acceptable health safety levels.

Microplastics could trigger severe brain inflammation

South Korean scientists showerd the process through which plastic transforms into secondary microplastics. Their research reveals that continuous consumption of these secondary microplastics acts as neurotoxins in the brain.

Studies link childhood lead exposure and violent crimes

Exposure to small amounts of lead leaves lasting scars on poor children, as research increasingly links the toxic metal to violence and academic failure.

Billions of nanoplastics are released when microwaving containers

Experiments have shown that microwaving plastic baby food containers can release huge numbers of plastic particles — in some cases, more than 2 billion nanoplastics and 4 million microplastics for every square centimeter of container.

These Companies Kept Silent About 'Forever Chemicals' For Decades

Secretly held documents from the two most prominent manufacturers of 'forever chemicals' show that industry leaders knew of the harmful health effects of some per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) long before they told the public.

A Common Chemical Has Been Linked to Liver Cancer in Humans

A common 'forever chemical' known as PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid) has been linked to liver cancer in humans in a worrying new study.

A Shocking 99% of Us Are Now Breathing Unhealthy Air

We often take the air we breathe for granted, but new data reveals that the pollutants behind millions of preventable deaths now taint the air most of us breathe at unhealthy levels.

Lead Exposure May Have Lowered The IQ of Half of Americans

Childhood lead exposure in the United States is ubiquitous and much more concerning than previous estimates have suggested, according to a new study.

Leaded gasoline finally phased out worldwide

Leaded gasoline is no longer used anywhere in the world, according to the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). Algeria, the last country left using leaded gasoline, finished its stockpile in July.