Thousands of Snow Geese Die After Landing on Toxic Mining Water in Montana,USA

Last week, thousands of snow geese died in Montana after landing on the acidic, metal-laden waters of an old open pit mine to escape a snowstorm.

Delhi smog: Crop-burning adds to pollution

The Indian capital, Delhi, is experiencing its most dangerous levels of air pollution in years. In some areas, the level of air pollution is 10 times more than the recommended safe limit.

Exercising in City Air Makes the Effects of Pollution Worse

NYC (USA) health officials estimate that fine particulate matter (known as PM2.5) contributes to nearly 2,000 premature deaths and more than 6,000 hospital visits per year.

Take responsibility for electronic-waste disposal

The world is producing ever more electrical and electronic waste. The quantity of dumped computers, telephones, televisions and appliances doubled between 2009 and 2014, to 42 million tonnes per year globally

An Attempt To Let Coal Plants Emit Unlimited Mercury Was Just Shut Down By SCOTUS

Regulations that limit heavy metal pollution from oil- and coal-fired power plants will continue to be enforced by the EPA — at least for now — thanks to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

Lebanese government hasn't dealt with staggering two million tons of trash in the streets

A health crisis mounts as two million tons of trash spill into the streets, creating what people have begun to call a ‘river of trash‘ that flows through the city, spewing garbage and toxins into the once-beautiful area.