Evolutionary Mismatch Might Be Why We Struggle in Today's World

Research is showing that many of our contemporary problems, such as the rising prevalence of mental health issues, are emerging from rapid technological advancement and modernisation.

Giant cracks are appearing across southwestern US

Many southwestern parts of the United States have been spotted with giant cracks or fissures in the ground. As per reports, these fissures have occurred due to harnessing groundwater indiscriminately over the years.  

Humanity could be on the verge of massive population correction

Population ecologist William Rees suggests that planet Earth could be headed for a major population correction—perhaps before the end of this century. Such a correction, he notes, would be a drastic reduction in human population. 

Earth breaches "safe and just" planet boundaries

In a recent study, more than 40 international scientists assessed the planet’s capacity to provide a safe future. What they concluded is that  Earth would fail in 7 of the 8 boundaries for a safe planet.

The meat paradox: Why we eat animals

The global appetite for meat is still growing, despite what we know about animal suffering and the environmental cost of eating them. 70% of global agricultural land is used for livestock farming.  

Bitcoin mining uses more electricity than Argentina

"Mining" for the cryptocurrency is power-hungry, involving heavy computer calculations to verify transactions. If Bitcoin was a country, it would be in the top 30 energy users woldwide.

Human-produced mass now outweighs the Earth's biomass

The mass of human-made products at the start of the 20th ct was about 3% of the Earth’s biomass. However, due to increased urbanization and consumption, human-produced weight now outweighs the overall global biomass.

Child labor is still a huge problem in cocoa industry

It has been almost twenty years since leading chocolate manufacturers signed an agreement to eradicate child labor in 2001. However they failed.

Poor eating habits killing millions globally, study says

One in five people across the world dies of causes linked to poor diet, a new study shows. Overconsumption of meat, salt and sugar are the main culprits, the experts behind the study say.

Concrete: the most destructive material on Earth

The raw materials are not limitless; we are running out of sand and fresh water. We have to rethink our need for more concrete roads and more underground parking garages and more tall concrete buildings.

Obesity, climate change and hunger must be fought as one

Made up of 43 public health experts from 14 countries, the Lancet Commission, UK, states that the problems of obesity, malnutrition and climate change are linked by factors such as overconsumption, unchecked marketing and government failures.

Overtourism and if this problem can be solved

The travel industry keeps growing. There were an estimated 1.3 billion international arrivals in 2017 and that will only increase as more people view travel as a right, rather than a luxury.

Avocado production in Chile is draining the country

Residents of the main avocado-producing area say they're forced to drink contaminated water delivered by truck because rivers and aquifers are being drained by avocado agribusiness.

The ground under a West Texas (USA) oil patch is moving 'at alarming rates'

Local residents, infrastructure, and oil and gas pipelines could be at risk from the ground heaving and sinking in West Texas, US, after years of fossil fuel production, according to a new study.

New maps reveal industrial fishing in over half of world's oceans

Industrial fishing takes place across more than 55 percent of the world’s oceans, according to a new study.