New clues about the link between stress and depression

After experiencing trauma or severe stress, some people develop an abnormal stress response or chronic stress. This increases the risk of developing other diseases such as depression and anxiety.

Suicide rate among young Americans soars by 50%

The suicide rate among young Americans aged 10 to 24 years old soared by 56% between 2007 and 2017, according to new data. Mental-health conditions, relationship problems/loss, life stressors, and recent crises were common across all age groups. 

Social media stress can lead to social media addiction

Social networking sites are known to cause stress in users, known as technostress from social media. However, instead of switching off or using them less, people are moving from one aspect of the social media to another which could cause addiction.

20 min of nature daily significantly lower stress level

We know that spending time in nature reduces stress, but until now it was unclear how much is enough. New study shows that in terms of efficiently lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol, you should spend 20 to 30 minutes in nature.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Research identifies cellular recycling process linked to beneficial effects of enduring mild stress

Gut feeling: how your microbiota affects your mood, sleep and stress levels

Unhealthy microbiota has been linked to depression, anxiety, stress, and may even affect how well you sleep.