Biobots arise from the cells of dead organisms

Given the right conditions, certain types of cells are able to self-assemble into new lifeforms after the organism they were once part of has died.

Evidence of increased brain activity right before death

At the time of death, brain activity was detected in the TPJ region of the brain - a recent study found. The TPJ region already has a known association with dreaming, hallucinations, and altered states of consciousness.

Death Comes For Everybody. Here's How to Make Yours Sustainable

The global population is closing on 8 billion, and the amount of land available for human burial is running out. To minimise environmental impact, human bodies should return to nature as quickly as possible.

Suicide rate among young Americans soars by 50%

The suicide rate among young Americans aged 10 to 24 years old soared by 56% between 2007 and 2017, according to new data. Mental-health conditions, relationship problems/loss, life stressors, and recent crises were common across all age groups. 

To die well, we must talk about death

Talking about death and the end of life is still taboo around the world.  A striking 93 % of Canadian participants in a recent poll think it's important to communicate their wishes for future care should they become seriously ill, but only 36 % have actually done so.

Doctors find patient brain activity continued for 10 minutes after death

A team of doctors has documented a case in which a terminal patient removed from life support continued to experience brain wave activity for approximately 10 minutes after they had been pronounced clinically dead. The team acknowledge that they have no explanation for what they observed.

The people who help you die better

Pain is just the visible part of the iceberg of suffering. A network of compassionate volunteers caring for their terminally ill neighbours is helping more people in Kerala, India, to end their days at peace and at home.