Japanese architect honored for dedication to disaster relief architecture

Often referred to as Architecture’s First Responder, Shigeru Ban is known for his dedication to creating humanitarian designs that combine the needs of refugees with sustainability.

Meet Mohamed Bzeek, a cancer survivor who has a home for just dying children

Mohamed Bzeek started doing this when he was 62 years old and was diagnosed with cancer. He is a foster father who only takes in terminally ill kids.

A Teacher received $1Mil Prize For Life-changing Work in Isolated Arctic Community

Maggie MacDonnell has just been recognized for her astoundingly compassionate 6-year career in an isolated, fly-in village nestled in the Arctic Circle.

How Google Is Revealing Unmapped Areas of the World in Virtual Reality

VR producer Chris Milk hopes that the technology’s potential will extend far beyond, - for instance by using VR to transport viewers into the lives of others to create empathy and understanding.

The people who help you die better

Pain is just the visible part of the iceberg of suffering. A network of compassionate volunteers caring for their terminally ill neighbours is helping more people in Kerala, India, to end their days at peace and at home.

Helping pays off: People who care for others live longer

Older people who help and support others live longer, a new study has concluded. The results of these findings show that this kind of caregiving can have a positive effect on the mortality of the carers.

US's teens build mobile tiny homes for local homeless community

Seattle teens are working to design and build safe transitional housing for homeless.

Canadian Philosopher Charles Margrave Taylor Wins The Berggruen Prize

The $1 million award will be given annually to a thinker whose ideas are of broad significance for shaping human self-understanding and the advancement of humanity

Vietnamese Man Has Adopted Over 100 Kids From Mothers Who Couldn't Take Care Of Them

A man in Vietnam, Tong Phuoc Phuc, has adopted 100 children from mothers who abandoned them because they didn’t have the means to feed one more mouth.

Ft. McMurray's animals and the evolution of human empathy

It is a rare moment when we get to appreciate that we are living in what is, sometimes, a kinder, better world. Such moments should be acknowledged.

Transgender Canadians should 'feel free and safe' to be themselves under new Liberal bill

Canada marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia by introducing federal legislation that would guarantee full legal and human rights protection to transgender people across the country.

Beyond Feminism: Women And Men Are "Flourishing"

Finally, after many centuries of discord powerful accomplished women leaders and the visionary men who are their heroes are beginning to gather together in a way that honors both genders and encourages each to profoundly contribute to the other.