Obesity Affects Sperm Count: Brain Mechanism Behind Fertility Decline

A research team discovered that obesity causes chronic changes in the brain which affects sperm count.

Loss of oxygen in bodies of water identified as new tipping point

Oxygen concentrations in our planet's waters are decreasing rapidly and dramatically—from ponds to the ocean. The loss of oxygen in water, also referred to as aquatic deoxygenation, is a threat to life at all levels.

World Population Expected to Reach 10.3 Billion in 2080s

A new report says the world's population is expected to reach 10.3 billion in the 2080s. The United Nations document suggests that after reaching the peak, the population will then decrease to about 10.2 billion by the end of the century.

Warming Groundwater Could Be Undrinkable For Half a Billion People by 2100

By the end of the century, tens to hundreds of millions could be deprived of even this tenuous supply of moisture as rising temperatures risk turning shallow groundwater supplies into toxic sumps.

Electric Vehicle Batteries Surprising New Source of 'Forever Chemical' Pollution

Scientists have uncovered a new source of hazardous "forever chemical" pollution: the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries found in most electric vehicles.

New study shows mysterious solar particle blasts can devastate the ozone layer

Every few thousand years, the Sun unleashes a burst of high-energy particles that can have serious consequences for life on Earth.

Human interference major factor in megafauna extinction

A recent study has shed new light on this topic, pointing the finger more directly at human activity as the major cause of this mass extinction.

Hurricane Beryl breaks records in devastating path across the Caribbean

The hurricane has set a string of records that experts say are tied to climate change, as it developed faster and much earlier in the year.

Most extreme wildfires rising due to climate change

The climate crisis is driving an exponential rise in the most extreme wildfires in key regions around the world, research has revealed.

Scientists Have a Radical Plan to Pump Carbon to The Bottom of The Ocean

A major solution to the climate crisis may lie at the bottom of the ocean. Across the planet, basalt rock deposits on the sea floor have the potential to trap carbon dioxide, removing the heat-trapping gas from our atmosphere.

Antarctic ice sheet melting: New tipping point discovered

Ice sheets, the massive frozen expanses covering Antarctica, are harboring a hidden threat beneath their surface.

Wolves Vanished Across The U.S.

The loss of wolves to the region has been largely overlooked by humans, even in our scientific research, but the impact of their absence is written loudly in the missing trees.

Climate change is helping the H5N1 bird flu virus spread and evolve

H5N1 is the latest evidence that climate change is altering how viruses spread and evolve. It is essential that global public health officials take these dynamics into account.

Temperatures smash records 12 months in a row

May capped a full year of monthly record-breaking temperatures. Globally, rising heat is causing hundreds of deaths, disrupting education and displacing communities.

Illegal Wildlife Trade Threatens 4,000 Species Globally, UN Reports

Around 4,000 species of plants and animals are victims of illegal wildlife trade globally, according to the latest World Wildlife Crime Report.