Global temperatures breach 1.5C warming limit over 12-month period

Earth has endured 12 months of temperatures 1.5C hotter than the pre-industrial era for the first time on record. That is a grave foretaste of the Paris climate deal's crucial 1.5C warming threshold.

Trigger For Ancient Maya's Collapse Reads Like a Warning To Us

Researchers peering back through 800 years of history have concluded that Mayan civilizetion may well have been undone by drought.

WHO Warns Cancer Cases Will Jump 77% by 2050

The number of new cancer cases will rise to more than 35 million in 2050 – 77 percent higher than the figure in 2022, the World Health Organization reported recently.

In 2024, the Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds to midnight

Ii is the closest the Clock has ever been to midnight, reflecting the continued state of unprecedented danger the world faces.

Disease X: WHO Warns Future Outbreak Just a Matter of Time

With a fatality rate 20 times that of COVID-19, and no vaccine, Disease X could swiftly bring humanity to its knees.

Global warming is accelerating

The latest calculations from several science agencies showing Earth obliterated global heat records last year may seem scary. But scientists worry that what's behind those numbers could be even worse.

Greenland Ice Sheet melting faster than previously thought

Melting at the interface between ice sheets and the ocean in the Arctic is much more extensive than previously estimated. Melting in the Arctic could have catastrophic effects on the rest of the world.

NASA analysis confirms 2023 as warmest year on record

Earth's average surface temperature in 2023 was the warmest on record, according to an analysis by NASA.

Bottled water contains 100 times more plastic nanoparticles

The average litre of bottled water has nearly a quarter of a million pieces of microplastics and tiny, invisible nanoplastics, new research has found. 

Rise of microplastics discovered in placentas of Hawaiʻi mothers

The study examined placentas donated by women who delivered in Hawaiʻi from 2006 to 2021. The rise in microplastics found in the placentas of Hawaiʻi mothers corresponds with the skyrocketing levels of global plastic production.

First marine fish declared extinct due to human activity

A rare species of ray has been declared extinct after an assessment by an international team led by Charles Darwin University. 

What octopus DNA tells us about Antarctic ice sheet collapse

This direct historical connection suggests that around 125,000 years ago, the massive 2.2 million cubic kilometer West Antarctic Ice Sheet that separates the two bays had fully collapsed into the sea.

Flowers adapting to a world without insects

New study reveals that as insect populations in Europe fall so some plants are turning to self-pollination.

Runaway Greenhouse Effect Fully Simulated on Earth For The First Time

The Earth would only have to heat up by a few dozen degrees to spur runaway warming, making it as inhospitable as Venus, a planet whose average surface temperature is around 464 degrees Celsius, according to NASA.

Antarctic study proves glacier has undergone irreversible retreat

Model results show that Pine Island glacier region of west Antarctica could collapse in the future. If it does, then it could raise global mean sea level by several metres.