Extinction threatens nearly a quarter of all freshwater species

A landmark assessment of the health of nearly 24,000 freshwater species found that just under a quarter are at risk of extinction. 

Record-Breaking Coral Death in The Great Barrier Reef Alarms Scientists

Parts of the Great Barrier Reef have suffered the highest coral mortality on record, Australian research showed Tuesday, with scientists fearing the rest of it has suffered a similar fate.

Scientists Studying Earth's Trees Issue a Bleak Warning to Humanity

In a study from 2022, researchers issued a "warning to humanity" about the consequences of tree losses, backed by 45 other scientists from 20 different countries.

Sea surface temperature record in the southwestern Pacific

The sea surface temperature in the Fijian archipelago in the southwestern Pacific is now at its maximum for more than 600 years. 

The Great Barrier Reef is the hottest it's been in 400 years

The results are sobering confirmation that global warming will continue to damage the Great Barrier Reef.  If humanity does not divert from its current course, our generation will likely witness the demise of one of Earth's great natural wonders.

Wolves Vanished Across The U.S.

The loss of wolves to the region has been largely overlooked by humans, even in our scientific research, but the impact of their absence is written loudly in the missing trees.

Arid Deserts Are Devouring Earth's Rangelands, Threatening Billions

Up to 50 percent of rangelands are now degraded, a new report from the United Nations (UN) finds. Alongside climate change, many other problems are contributing to rangeland demise, mostly stemming from poor land management. 

Flowers adapting to a world without insects

New study reveals that as insect populations in Europe fall so some plants are turning to self-pollination.

Amphibian crisis: 41% of species deemed threatened with extinction

Earth's amphibians are being pushed closer to the brink due to habitat destruction, disease and climate change, with 41% of species now threatened with extinction.

Scientists warn of crop failure ‘uncertainties’ as Earth heats up

A new study has highlighted the possibility of major harvest failures caused by climate change in multiple global breadbaskets as the United Nations warned of a “dystopian future” without immediate action.

Scientists Studying Earth's Trees Issue A Warning to Humanity

In 2021, a global assessment found a shocking one-third of all tree species are currently teetering on the edge of existence. The extinction of a single species can cause a massive domino effect.

A Disturbing Process Has Been Accelerating in Freshwater Lakes Worldwide

On top of intensifying algal blooms and depleting oxygen, a new study reveals Earth's bodies of freshwater are also evaporating at a greater rate than we realized.

Amazon is on the brink of turning into a carbon source

Tropical forests are guardians against runaway climate change, but their ability to remove CO2 from the atmosphere is wearing down. Between 2001 and 2019 the Brazilian Amazon acted as a net emitter of carbon, study found.

Deforestation has wiped out 8% of Amazon rainforest

A new study has found that deforestation in the Amazon has destroyed eight per cent of the world’s largest rainforest, between 2000 and 2018. The Amazon is often referred to as the ‘lungs of the planet’ .

More Than 50% of Great Barrier Reef Corals Are Lost

Since the mid-1990s, coral in the Great Barrier Reef has declined by more than 50%. The research spanned the entire 2,300 km of the Great Barrier Reef and found a disturbing loss at pretty much every level.