Bioluminescence Evolved in The Abyss 540 Million Years Ago

Scientists have traced bioluminescence to its earliest known evolutionary origins: a class of corals called Octocorallia in the depths of the ocean in the Cambrian, some 540 million years ago. 

More Than 50% of Great Barrier Reef Corals Are Lost

Since the mid-1990s, coral in the Great Barrier Reef has declined by more than 50%. The research spanned the entire 2,300 km of the Great Barrier Reef and found a disturbing loss at pretty much every level.

Palau is first country to ban 'reef toxic' sun cream

The Pacific nation of Palau has become the first country to ban sun cream that is harmful to corals and sea life. From now sun cream that includes common ingredients, including oxybenzone, is not allowed to be worn or sold in the country.

Hawaii May Be The First State To Ban Coral Reef-Killing Sunscreens

The bill that is scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1, 2021, will specifically prohibits the sale and distribution of sunscreens that contain oxybenzone and octinoxate.

Australia Pledges Largest Single Investment To Save Great Barrier Reef

Australia’s government has pledged hundreds of millions of dollars toward protecting the Great Barrier Reef, in what’s being called the largest single investment in the embattled ecosystem ever.

Global warming has changed the Great Barrier Reef ‘forever'

In a notably blunt study in the journal Nature scientists report that in 2016 alone, about 30 percent of the Great Barrier Reef’s corals were lost, with the most severe damage in the isolated northern sector.

This Is Why the Great Barrier Reef Is Dying

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most celebrated ecosystems on Earth - and it's dying. Months of extreme heat have turned thousands of miles of pristine habitat into an endless watery graveyard. This year's coral bleaching event comes as a warning. If we don't bring carbon emissions down fast, the Great Barrier Reef will not survive the century.