The researchers have now identified chloronitramide anion as an end product of inorganic chloramine decomposition in treated drinking water.
By the end of the century, tens to hundreds of millions could be deprived of even this tenuous supply of moisture as rising temperatures risk turning shallow groundwater supplies into toxic sumps.
The average litre of bottled water has nearly a quarter of a million pieces of microplastics and tiny, invisible nanoplastics, new research has found.
Human activities are making the globe saltier, specifically in our soils, fresh water and air, according to a new study. The excess salt has already caused serious issues in freshwater supplies in recent decades.
On top of intensifying algal blooms and depleting oxygen, a new study reveals Earth's bodies of freshwater are also evaporating at a greater rate than we realized.
This legislation would help protect the state’s water resources, helping keep the limited freshwater supplies in the state. It would ban the extraction of local water supplies in plastic bottles shipped out of watersheds and around the country.
A completely passive solar-powered desalination system could provide more than 5,5 liters of fresh drinking water per hour. Such systems could potentially serve off-grid arid coastal areas to provide an efficient, low-cost water source.
The raw materials are not limitless; we are running out of sand and fresh water. We have to rethink our need for more concrete roads and more underground parking garages and more tall concrete buildings.
Researchers have discovered a revolutionary and cheap way to make filters that can turn water contaminated with heavy metals into safe drinking water in a matter of minutes.
The successful field test of the next-generation harvester proved that it can extract drinkable water every day at very low humidity and at low cost, making it ideal for people living in water-starved areas of the world.
Residents of the main avocado-producing area say they're forced to drink contaminated water delivered by truck because rivers and aquifers are being drained by avocado agribusiness.
A new global, satellite-based study of Earth's freshwater found that Earth's wet areas are getting wetter, while dry areas are getting drier.
A newly developed sorbent-based technology has recently shown that it can harvest atmospheric moisture even when the relative humidity drops to around 10 percent.
By draping black, carbon-dipped paper in a triangular shape and using it to both absorb and vaporize water, researchers have developed a method for using sunlight to generate clean water with near-perfect efficiency.
A study examining 11 brands of bottled water sold around the world has found that nearly every sample tested was contaminated by plastic particles.