As communities around the world promote refill stations and water fountains over bottled water, it's worth revisiting a fact about bottled water: most of it is literally the same water we get out of our faucets.
SOURCE panels can be installed atop any building just like a standard photovoltaic, but harvests drinking water in addition to solar energy.
Tiny bits of plastic commonly come rushing out of water taps around the world, according to a new survey of 159 water samples collected from more than a dozen nations.
Researchers from the University of Edinburgh have developed a photocatalytic material that purifies drinking water using the power of the sun.
The gleaming sphere is capable of producing up to half-a-million gallons of fresh water each year.
A new device created harnesses the sun's light to disinfect water in 20 minutes flat.
A team of engineers at Washington University in St. Louis has found a way to use graphene oxide sheets to transform dirty water into drinking water, a discovery it says could be a global game-changer.
In real life, Matt Damon chases down the one thing every person needs, but can’t always get—clean water. Damon’s appearances worldwide for the charity have delivered danger-free drinking water to 4.3 million people in 12 countries.
Solar-powered desalination is ideal - if only the cost comes down.