A longitudinal study by UQ researchers has found high-intensity interval exercise improves brain function in older adults for up to 5 years.
By carefully monitoring neural activity of people who were recalling memories or forming new ones, the researchers managed to detect how a newly appreciated type of brainwave influences the storage and retrieval of memories.
Even small doses of LSD could have therapeutic benefits for mental health and task performance, a new study shows.
A new study from the University of Exeter, UK shows that playing an instrument into old age is "associated with significantly better performance in working memory and executive function".
The study suggests that gaining insights into how the spirals are related to cognitive processing could significantly enhance our understanding of the dynamics and functions of the brain.
At the time of death, brain activity was detected in the TPJ region of the brain - a recent study found. The TPJ region already has a known association with dreaming, hallucinations, and altered states of consciousness.