Social networking sites are known to cause stress in users, known as technostress from social media. However, instead of switching off or using them less, people are moving from one aspect of the social media to another which could cause addiction.
Geo-tag features on Instagram which allows people posting to add a link to the location where the photo was taken, can result in hordes of people showing up exactly where it was, all in quest of that same view.
Adolescents in China who either spend more time on screen activities and less time on non-screen activities, including physical activity, are at risk and significantly more likely to experience depression, according to a new study.
"Phubbing" is official term for snubbing someone in favor of a phone. Researchers have found that phubbing have a very real negative impact on personal relationships, eroding the quality of communication and level of satisfaction.
Researchers found that teens who spent a lot of time in front of screen devices were less happy than those who invested time in non-screen activities.
Social networks are an ideal stage for narcissists to showcase themselves. Accordingly, a lot of people with narcissistic traits are drawn to these platforms as a new study conducted by psychologists.
FOMO, FOBO, and NoMo are among a growing list of acronyms relating to people's fear of not being able to check their social media feed, and the issue has psychologists scrambling to keep up.