30 years on ozone hole healing is proving painfully slow. New discoveries about chemicals not covered by the Montreal protocol are raising fears that full recovery could be postponed into the 22nd century — or possibly even prevented altogether.
Neonicotinoids, the chemicals commonly found in pesticides, have been linked to colony collapse in bee populations.
Canadian and Swedish researchers found that Bisphenol A is introduced into the body when handling register receipts from stores.
A new report reveals that toxins poured into waterways by major meat suppliers are resulting in the largest-ever “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico.
Chlorine mixed with sunscreen has been found to result in kidney and liver dysfunctions, as well as nervous system disorders.
The declaration signed by more than 200 scientists and medical professionals from around the world states that Triclosan and Triclocarban may pose grave risks to human health and the environment.
Levels are below FDA’s decades-old standards, but latest data says no level safe.
The study has important implications for the introduction of smoke-free policies, not only in psychiatric hospitals but also in other institutions such as prisons.
For the first time, scientists created a method for effectively mapping that DNA damage at high resolution across the genome.
I visited the garment factory workers who could lose their jobs to automation. But could robots also change their lives?
Researchers found that differences in the uptake of multiple toxic and essential elements over the second and third trimesters and early postnatal periods are associated with the risk of developing autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Almost half of baby rice food products contain illegal levels of inorganic arsenic despite new regulations set by the EU, new research concludes.
The researchers estimate that 1,200 people in Europe will die early, each losing as much as a decade of their life, as a result of excess emissions generated between 2008 and 2015 by affected cars sold in Germany.
Just about every country in the world grapples with pollution, no matter how rich or poor they are. But you may not be aware of just how toxic your locale is. The Eco Experts from the United Kingdom recently cross-referenced data to rank the countries of the world by toxicity on a new map,
Nigerian customs seized 2.75 tons of "plastic rice," a realistic-looking fake food product that could have caused untold public health issues.