Alphabet Soup: NASA's GOLD Finds Surprising C, X Shapes in Atmosphere

NASA's Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission has revealed unexpected C- and X-shaped formations in an electrified layer of gas high above our heads called the ionosphere.

Giant Tonga Volcanic Eruption Could Disrupt Weather For Years to Come

Because it was an underwater volcano, Hunga Tonga produced little smoke, but a lot of water vapor: 100–150 million tonnes, or the equivalent of 60,000 Olympic swimming pools. 

Solar storms that caused pretty auroras can create havoc with technology

The same geomagnetic storms causing the auroras can cause havoc with our planet’s human-made infrastructure. 

Metals from Space Junk Are Polluting Earth's Upper Atmosphere

Falling pieces of space debris could be altering the stratosphere and negatively impacting our climate, new research suggests.

The Hole in the Ozone Layer Is Getting Bigger Again

A large hole in the Antarctic ozone layer once thought to be steadily closing could actually be widening, according to new research.

Powerful space explosion shook Earth's atmosphere

The burst that originated some 2.4 billion light-years away from Earth and struck the planet on 9 October last year may have led to changes in the upper ionosphere, according to a new study.

Carbon dioxide is shrinking uppermost atmosphere

Starting around 60 km up, in the outermost layers of atmosphere carbon dioxide actually cools the atmosphere, causing it to shrink and contract. A cooling and shrinking MLT will lead to an increase in the longevity of space debris at higher altitudes

Our Atmosphere is Storing Energy Twice as Quickly as it did 15 Years ago

A team from NASA and NOAA found that the Earth’s “energy imbalance” doubled between 2005 and 2019. The Earth is absorbing more energy than it was emitting.

Carbon dioxide peaked at record levels

Scientists from Scripps and the NOAA reported that levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide peaked in May, reaching a monthly average of nearly 419 parts per million.

Lightning helps to clean the atmosphere

Scientists have found that lightning bolts and, surprisingly, subvisible discharges that cannot be seen by cameras or the naked eye lead chemical reactions breaks down molecules like the greenhouse gas methane.

The ozone problem is back

30 years on ozone hole healing is proving painfully slow. New discoveries about chemicals not covered by the Montreal protocol are raising fears that full recovery could be postponed into the 22nd century — or possibly even prevented altogether.

Harvard Researchers Are Preparing to Geoengineer the Atmosphere

In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists will disperse aerosols into the stratosphere in initial tests of a controversial technique for blocking incoming solar radiation.

Geoengineering Could Be a Disaster for Astronomy

Geoengineering is one of those things that sounds like maybe a good idea on paper but could also go horribly wrong.

Europe's cutting-edge wind satellite should launch in 2017

Humanity is about to deepen its understanding of Earth's winds. The European Space Agency has secured a rocket launch deal for its wind-tracking Aeolus satellite, which is now expected to enter orbit before the end of 2017.