ESA's Plan to Reach Zero Space Debris Calls For Global Collaboration

The space debris problem won't solve itself. We've been kicking the can down the road for years as we continue launching more rockets and payloads into space.

Devastating Effect on Astronaut Bones From Living in Space

Astronauts lose decades' worth of bone mass in space and many do not recover even after a year back on Earth after their missions on the International Space Spation, -  a new study finds.

China and Russia Announce their Future Plans for the Moon

Whereas NASA is seeking partners for its Artemis Program, Russia and China are pursuing an agreement of their own. They call it the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), and they too are looking for partners.

NASA is now Planning a Mission to go 1,000 AU From the Sun

The project, currently known as the “Interstellar Probe” would plan to launch in the 2030s and reach the 1000 AU target around 15 years later.  This will result in a completely new perspective for science.

Lava Tubes Big Enough to Fit A Planetary Base

Both the Moon and Mars were volcanically active at one time and the result is lava tubes. A new study shows that lunar and Martian lava tubes might be enormous, and easily large enough to accommodate a base.

Learning to Live Sustainably on the Red Planet: Habitat Mars

Groups like Mars Habitat are dedicated to conducting simulated missions in analog environments. The lessons learned will not only prepare people to live and work in space but foster ideas for sustainable living here on Earth.

China will begin constructing its space station in 2021

The Chinese space agency is building a brand new space station, and they're going about it in a suitably impressive way: an ambitious schedule of 11 planned launches crammed into only two years.

Lettuce grown in space as nutritious as ones on Earth

Researchers have found that the lettuce, grown on board the International Space Station, is as nutritious as counterparts grown on the Earth, an advance that may help astronauts grow safe, fresh food during space missions.

SpaceX Plans to Send Tourists Farther into Space

SpaceX will work with space tourism company Space Adventures to send up to four people into space onboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft. The mission will send tourists to “twice the altitude of any prior civilian astronaut mission or space station visitor".

NASA's possible planetary missions

NASA has selected four possible planetary science missions for further evaluation, two focused on Venus, one on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io and one on Neptune's icy moon Triton. Final selections will be made next year.

Inflatable Heat Shield Could Deliver Heavy Payloads to Another Worlds

NASA is testing out a new inflatable heat shield which could enable them to send heavier missions to Mars, as well as Venus and Titan.

A 122-Day Simulated Moon Mission

The SIRIUS-19 experiment recently kicked off in Russia, with six cosmonauts entering a simulated lunar environment (where they will spend the next 122 days conducting experiments).

NASA's SPHEREx mission will investigate the origins of the universe

NASA has announced a new space telescope mission dedicated to understanding the origins of life and the universe. The space agency is aiming for a 2023 launch.

What you can see in space in 2019

This year, space fans will be treated to two lunar mission, the Apollo 11 anniversary, some lunar and solar eclipses, and brand-new spacecrafts heading for the ISS.

Some of our best hopes for mitigating the threat of space debris

In 60 years of space exploration, we've placed almost 7,000 satellites in orbit. Less than a third still function. The rest is dangerous junk - and their number is growing. Here's how we might mitigate the threat.