Running Around a "Wall of Death" Could Help Astronauts Exercise

Motorcyclists have long ridden on an apparatus called the “wall of death,” which involves driving in circles parallel to the ground. Scientists are theorizing that something similar could be used for astronauts to exercise on the Moon.

Space Could Pose an Unexpected Threat to Our Gut Microbiome

It is clear that going to space exploration will not be reserved for astronauts and government space agencies for much longer. But before the 'Great Migration' can begin, there are a lot of questions that need to be addressed. 

Spaceflight Can Induce Long-Lasting Structural Changes in The Human Brain

Using MRI scans of 30 astronauts, the researchers built on those earlier studies to discover that the longer the spaceflight, the greater the increase in brain fluid volume.

Devastating Effect on Astronaut Bones From Living in Space

Astronauts lose decades' worth of bone mass in space and many do not recover even after a year back on Earth after their missions on the International Space Spation, -  a new study finds.

The Impact of Space Travel on Gene Expression

Overall, astronauts remain in excellent mental and physical health relative even after their return from long-term missions. And yet some develop cardiovascular deconditioning, vision problems and ovary problems (women).