COVID pandemic had shaved 1.6 years from global life expectancy

In a stunning reversal of decades of progress, global life expectancy at birth fell 1.6 years from 2019 to 2021, with 16 million of 131 million total deaths in 2020 and 2021 directly or indirectly attributable to COVID-19.

2022, year when solar age truly began

The record-breaking 2022 EU solar market is 38% or 10 GW higher than what SolarPower Europe expected one year ago.

Ocean heat reached a record-high temperature in 2022

Ocean heat, a strong marker of climate change, reached a record high in 2022, helping to explain the ever-escalating pattern of extreme weather events of late.

Glaciers in the Alps are melting faster than ever

Austrian glaciers have also lost more glacial ice in 2022 than they have in 70 years of observations and therefore it is quite clear that severe melt has been the norm in 2022.

Quantum scientists share Nobel Prize in Physics

The Nobel Prize for Physics 2022 has been awarded to three physicists working on quantum mechanics - Alain Aspect from France, John Clauser from the United States and Anton Zeilinger from Austria.

The Biggest Increase in Global CO2 Emissions Ever Recorded

The increase in global CO2 emissions of over 2 billion metric tons in 2022 is the largest in history in absolute terms, more than offsetting the previous year's pandemic-induced decline.

Stratolaunch Shows Off its New Hypersonic Testing Vehicle

Stratolaunch has revealed the designs of two hypersonic aircraft plus a reusable space plane that will be launched from its giant Carrier Aircraft launch plane. The company hopes to begin test flights of these vehicles by 2022.

China to ban single-used plastic

Non-degradable bags will be banned in major cities by the end of 2020 and in all cities and towns by 2022. The restaurant industry will also be banned from using single-use straws by the end of 2020.

Ukraine to ban plastic bags from 2022

Plastic bags will be banned in retail and restaurants as of 2022. The ban will apply to bags under 50 microns but not to biodegradable bags. However, the ban will not apply to bags used for packing fresh fish and meat, bulk food and ice.

Hydrogen train to enter UK markets by 2022

According to the developers, the UK hydrogen train will emit only water and therefore won’t produce any harmful emissions.

Emerging Tech Will Create More Jobs Than It Kills by 2022

The advancement of robotics and artificial intelligence will make 75 million jobs obsolete by the year 2022. But the same report goes on to predict the creation of 133 million new jobs over the same period.

India plans to eliminate single-use plastic by 2022

Big news from India: the country aims to abolish single-use plastic in about four years. The move could dramatically reduce the flow of plastic from 1.3 billion people.

China just invited the world to its space station

The China Space Station, or CSS, could become operational as soon as 2022. "CSS belongs not only to China, but also to the world," said Shi Zhongjun, China's ambassador to the UN.

Luxury Space Hotel Could Cater To Travelers By 2022

Orion Span, a Houston-based space tech startup, has announced plans to launch the first-ever luxury space hotel into Earth's orbit by 2021.

The Netherlands will build the world's first subsidy-free offshore wind farm

The two 350 MW wind farms are to be completed by 2022. Constructing wind farms without public subsidy means that the facilities can sell their electricity on the wholesale power market.