Obesity rates among children see tenfold increase in past 40 years

Canadian experts say new research on ‘grim’ health crisis highlights need for action, including ad restrictions and better food access

Solar power is the fastest growing source of new energy in the world

In 2016, renewable energy accounted for two-thirds of all new power added to the world’s grid, according to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). And of the technologies, solar was implemented the most.

Elon Musk is aiming to land spaceships on Mars in 2022

Elon Musk just unveiled more of his grand plan for colonizing Mars. His rocket company, SpaceX, aims to land at least two cargo ships on the Red Planet in 2022 in order to place power, mining and life support systems there for future flights.

Europe's First Spacecraft to Jupiter Will Be Taking a Crazy Route

They say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but for JUICE—a European Space Agency-led, Jupiter-bound probe scheduled to launch in 2022.

Wind tariff in India falls to all-time low of Rs 3.46 per unit

After solar cost reduction below Rs 3/unit, wind power cost down to Rs 3.46/ unit through transparent auction - a green future awaits India.

India doubles down on solar power with huge park capacity increase

The Indian government has given the second phase of their solar parks program a green light and has increased their target to 40 gigawatts.

India launches projects worth $1 trillion to transform energy sector

India’s ambitious plan worth $1trillion to partially transform its energy sector into clean energy and enhance energy efficiency will help millions of villagers and help households save billions of dollars in electricity bills.

Two Stars Are on a Crash Course and Will Explode as a Red Nova

Mark your calendars: In 2022, a rare "red nova" will appear in the sky, according to an unprecedented and ultra-precise stellar prediction.

China readies launch of space station pathfinder mission

China is scheduled to launch a human-rated spacecraft the size of a bus Thursday, paving the way for a month-long visit by two astronauts in October and nudging the country’s space program closer to building a large research complex in orbit by the early 2020s.

India Energy Minister, "Solar Is Now Cheaper Than Coal"

Despite concerns over baseload and storage, India is on track to soar past its goal to deploy more than 100 gigawatts of solar power by 2022.