Physicists Just Found a Quirk in Einstein's Predictions of Space-Time

A team of researchers has just found that the predicted curvature of space-time calculated using relativity does not always quite match up to what we observe

New gravity discovery called "mind-blowing" proves Einstein right

Using data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), astronomers have completed the most precise gravity test ever taken.

Cosmic Glitch: Scientists Discover an Anomaly in The Universe's Gravity

A new study suggests that gravity becomes about 1% weaker at very large scales. If gravity behaved according to Einstein's theory, then this 1% difference shouldn't exist.

Gravitational lensing creates 'Einstein's cross' of distant supernova

The “Einstein cross” pattern comprises four images of a distant supernova created by the gravitational lensing of its light as it passed a distant galaxy within a cluster of galaxies on its way to Earth. 

The universe was five times slower soon after the Big Bang

Scientists have for the first time observed the early universe running in extreme slow motion, unlocking one of the mysteries of Einstein's expanding universe. 

Einstein's general relativity confirmed near black hole

Observations have for the first time clearly revealed the effects of Einstein's general relativity on the motion of a star passing through the extreme gravitational field very close to the supermassive black hole.

Einstein's Theory Passes a Massive Test

A team of scientists used 20 years of data from several telescopes to watch how three stars orbited the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy, Sagittarius A*. They’ve created a general relativity theory test.

Model predicts presence of naked singularity in 4D space

The new model shows a naked singularity can yield what's called anti-de Sitter space, a curved, saddle-shaped space.

This 7-year-old from Maryland might be the next Einstein

Romanieo Golphin, Jr. may only be 7, but there are already whispers that he could be the Albert Einstein of his generation.

Verlinde's New Theory of Gravity Passes First Test

A team from the Netherlands has tested the new theory of theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde for the first time through the lensing effect of gravity.

More than 100,000 people challenge Einstein in a unique worldwide quantum physics experiment

More than 100,000 people participated in the BIG Bell Test, a global experiment to test the laws of quantum physics.

Do black holes have a back door?

A recent study by researchers at the Institute of Corpuscular Physics in Valencia suggests that matter might in fact survive its foray into these space objects and come out the other side.

For second time, LIGO detects gravitational waves

Signal was produced by two black holes colliding 1.4 billion light years away.

Anti-gravity dream may take off

The genius of Albert Einstein lead us to gravitational waves - maybe someday another genius will work out how to make them, says Dr Karl.

This Five-Dimensional Black Hole Could Collapse Albert Einstein's General Relativity

Scientists in the U.K. share a five-dimensional black hole simulation model that could ‘break’ the general relativity of Albert Einstein, the very foundation of modern physics.