New class of particles could take quantum mechanics one step further

In a new study, physicists at Brown University have now observed a novel class of quantum particles called fractional excitons

New Theory Solves Paradox of Schrodinger's Cat

Theoretical physicists from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain think they might at last have an explanation for why Schrödinger's cat would always appear in a single state once it's observed.

Vortex electric field discovery could impact quantum computing

A new vortex electric field with the potential to enhance future electronic, magnetic and optical devices has been observed by researchers from City University of Hong Kong and local partners.

Experiment verifies a connection between quantum theory and information theory

International researchers have confirmed a theory that proposes a connection between the complementarity principle and entropic uncertainty. 

Physicists Spot Quantum Tornadoes Twirling in a "Supersolid"

New observations of microscopic vortices confirm the existence of a paradoxical phase of matter that may also arise inside neutron stars.

Quantum Entanglement in Neurons May Actually Explain Consciousness

Chinese scientists explain how entangled photons emitted by carbon-hydrogen bonds in nerve cell insulation could synchronize activity within the brain.

Scientists create the thinnest lens on Earth, enabled by excitons

Lenses are used to bend and focus light. Normal lenses rely on their curved shape to achieve this effect, but physicists from the University of Amsterdam and Stanford University have made a flat lens of only three atoms thick that relies on quantum effects.

Quantum Entanglement May Share a Profound Link With Steam Engines

A year after all but ruling out the possibility, a pair of theoretical physicists from Japan and the Netherlands have found quantum entanglement has something fundamentally in common with the physics that drives steam engines.

Physicists Think The Infinite Size of The Multiverse Could Be Infinitely Bigger

Not only does God play dice, that great big casino of quantum physics could have far more rooms than we ever imagined. An infinite number more, in fact.

Major First: Quantum Information Produced, Stored, And Retrieved

The potential of quantum computing is immense, but the distances over which entangled particles can reliably carry information remains a massive hurdle.

Quantum tornado provides gateway to understanding black holes

Scientists have for the first time created a giant quantum vortex to mimic a black hole in superfluid helium that has allowed them to see in greater detail how analog black holes behave and interact with their surroundings.

Physicists Unlock Quantum Immortality With Revolutionary Time Crystal

Researchers have successfully extended the lifespan of time crystals, confirming a theoretical concept proposed by Frank Wilczek. This marks a significant step forward in quantum physics. 

Quantum physics could be the key to human brain

Discoveries over the last two decades have shed light on a crucial role for “quantumness” in human cognition – how the human brain processes information to acquire knowledge or understanding. 

Breakthrough in quantum computing with stable room temperature qubits

Scientists achieve groundbreaking room-temperature quantum coherence for 100 nanoseconds, propelling molecular qubits closer to practical quantum computing.

A hallmark quantum behavior in bouncing droplets

In a study that could help fill some holes in quantum theory, the U.S. team recreated a "quantum bomb tester" in a classical droplet test.