Measures of a 'Double Magic' Atom Reveal an Unexpected Surprise Inside

Atomic nuclei may be more complex than we thought, and may have implications for our understanding of the formation of heavy elements.

First Glimpse of The Internal Structure of a Neutron

An experiment more than 10 years in the making has delivered its first glimpse of the hurricane of particles whirring inside subatomic particles called neutrons, laying the groundwork to solve a mystery deep in the heart of matter.

This Stunning Image Is The Highest Resolution We've Ever Seen Atoms

The image was made back in 2021 and those dots are the atoms in the crystal lattice of a piece of praseodymium orthoscandate (PrScO3), at a magnification of 100 million.

A single atom layer of gold - researchers create goldene

For the first time, scientists have managed to create sheets of gold only a single atom layer thick. The material has been termed goldene. 

3D Positions of Atoms Mapped Precisely Using a Quantum Microscope

For the first time, scientists have measured the positions of individual atoms in 3D space in a single image, opening up a new way of observing quantum interactions in materials.

Chemists Have Just Tied the Tightest Knot Ever

Scientists have unintentionally created the tiniest and tightest knot to date, earning a prestigious spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. This extraordinary microscopic knot is made up of only fifty-four atoms.

Three scientists win Nobel Prize in physics

The Nobel Prize in physics was awarded Tuesday to three scientists who look at electrons in atoms during the tiniest of split seconds.

A New Type of Atomic Nucleus Discovered

In a remarkable scientific breakthrough researchers have discovered the lightest isotope of the rare and rapidly decaying element, astatine. 

This is the first X-ray taken of a single atom

Now we have the first X-ray taken of a single atom, courtesy of scientists from the US, according to a new paper published in the journal Nature. 

Inside an Atom's Heart

Using the powerful Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in US. scientists have shown how it's possible to glean precise details on the arrangement of gold's protons and neutrons using a kind of quantum interference never before seen in an experiment.

Physicists Finally Measure A Theorized Molecule Made From Light And Matter

Physicists have just caught light acting the part of 'glue' between atoms, in a kind of loosely bonded molecule.

Scientists overhear two atoms chatting

Each atom carries a small magnetic moment called spin. These spins influence each other. If you give one of them a push, they will start moving together in a very specific way. Atoms can feel each other.

First-Ever Footage Of Atoms Bonding

Using advanced microscopy methods, scientists captured a moment of breaking of a chemical bond, around half a million times smaller than the width of a human hair. We are now the first generation of humans to have seen atoms.

Superradiance: Quantum effect detected in tiny diamonds

An atom gives off energy and causes many other atoms in its vicinity to emit light as well. This phenomenon is called 'superradiance'. For the first time, this phenomenon has now bean measured in a solid-state system.

Large Hadron Collider Accelerated 'Atoms' With Electrons for the First Time

In this case a beam of lead “atoms” traveled through the accelerator with at least one electron attached. The physicists hope to one day use these accelerated atoms in a next-generation experiment.