Physicists Just Found a Quirk in Einstein's Predictions of Space-Time

A team of researchers has just found that the predicted curvature of space-time calculated using relativity does not always quite match up to what we observe

Model predicts presence of naked singularity in 4D space

The new model shows a naked singularity can yield what's called anti-de Sitter space, a curved, saddle-shaped space.

US researcher uses math to investigate possibility of time travel

Ben Tippett, a mathematics and physics instructor has created a formula that describes a method for time travel. " We tend to think it's not possible because we don't actually do it," says Tippett. "But, mathematically, it is possible."

Hubble's Spacetime Warps Confirm That the Universe Is Expanding Far Faster Than Expected

By using a space-time quirk first predicted by Einstein, the Hubble Space Telescope has also made it clear that our theories to explain the evolving universe are far from complete.

Gravitational Waves May Permanently Alter Spacetime

Finding evidence of gravitational-wave memory could help solve the black hole information paradox.

This Five-Dimensional Black Hole Could Collapse Albert Einstein's General Relativity

Scientists in the U.K. share a five-dimensional black hole simulation model that could ‘break’ the general relativity of Albert Einstein, the very foundation of modern physics.

Brian Greene Explains The Discovery Of Gravitational Waves

A landmark day for Einstein and our understanding of the universe: the detection of gravitational waves. Brian Greene explains the discovery.

Gravitational Waves and How They Distort Space

Rumor has it that gravitational waves might be detected soon - a late triumph for Einstein

Time Entanglement Raises Quantum Mysteries

Bizarre quantum bonds connect distinct moments in time, suggesting that quantum links — not space-time — constitute the fundamental structure of the universe.

String Theory Might Merge With the Other Theory of Everything

In the last few decades, researchers have pursued the problem in two separate programs—string theory and loop quantum gravity—that are widely considered incompatible by their practitioners. But now some scientists argue that joining forces is the way forward.

Wormhole Wonders: Hunting Down Spacetime Shortcuts

Science fiction literature is full of stories in which tunnels in space-time known as wormholes are used for time travel. How much fact lies within the fiction? The answer is, more than you might think.