The Daring Plan to Find the Next Earth Within a Decade

A team of ex-NASA scientists is now seeking private funding to scour the Alpha Centauri system for habitable planets.

Two Undiscovered Dark Moons Appear to Be Hiding Near Uranus

After re-examining data acquired by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, astronomers have detected wavy patterns in two of Uranus's dark system of rings' patterns that may be indicative of two undiscovered moons.

Observable universe contains ten times more galaxies than previously thought

Astronomers have performed an accurate census of the number of galaxies in the universe. There are at least 10 times as many galaxies in the observable universe as previously thought.

A new dwarf planet has just been discovered in our Solar System

Scientists have identified a new dwarf planet in our Solar System, and it's lurking way out in the edges, some 13.6 billion km from the Sun.

Mars Explorers. Must Be Able To Tolerate Boredom And Play Nice With Others

In December, NASA put out a call for adventurers interested in interplanetary exploration. A vast pool of applications will be cut to 120 finalists, who will vie to become part of NASA’s next class of eight to 12 astronauts.

Where is the search for extraterrestrial life up to?

Despite the headlines, no alleged signals from ET have ever been confirmed. Yet far from being put off their search, scientists are stepping it up.

Juno Listens to Jupiter's Auroras

The data was collected when the spacecraft made its first orbital pass of the gas giant on Aug 27, 2016, with all spacecraft instruments turned on. The frequency range of these signals is from 7 to 140 kilohertz.

Milky Way's most-mysterious star is even stranger than astronomers thought

A star with the unassuming name of KIC 8462852 in the constellation Cygnus has been raising eyebrows both in and outside of the scientific community for the past year.

NASA's Cassini Finds Hidden Ocean on Saturn's Moon Dione

New gravity data from recent Cassini flybys of the giant planet suggest that Dione's crust floats on an ocean 62 miles below the surface, and may harbor microbial life.

Final images from Rosetta spacecraft before crash landing on comet

The Rosetta spacecraft ended its historic mission by crashing on the surface of the dusty, icy comet. It has spent 12 years chasing in a hunt that has provided insight into the early days of the solar system and captured the public's imagination.

Fermi Finds Record-breaking Binary in Galaxy Next Door

Scientists have found the first gamma-ray binary in another galaxy and the most luminous one ever seen.

US Approves World's Most Sensitive Dark Matter Detector To Begin Hunt In 2020

An advanced dark matter detector that hopes to find a rare collision between a dark matter particle and normal matter has just been approved in the US

Hubble Directly Images Possible Plumes on Europa

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took direct ultraviolet images of the icy moon Europa transiting across the disk of Jupiter. Out of ten observations, Hubble saw what may be water vapor plumes on three of the images.

SpaceX Wants to Venture Much Further Out Into the Solar System

Elon Musk finally revealed his plans for a mission to Mars today. But a new set of images from SpaceX show the Interplanetary Transport System going even further in the solar system than the Red Planet.

Pluto may have a 60 mile deep liquid water ocean

A prior study demonstrated that Pluto's center is sufficiently warm to bolster a fluid water sea, and now we've discovered that it may be immense - no less than 100 km (62 miles) profound.