NASA Just Created a Stunning New 3-D View of CO2

Using satellites and supercomputers, NASA scientists have recreated a year in the life of CO2.

Japanese 'space junk' ship heads to the ISS

Scientists from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency have come up with an experimental ship that pulls outer space debris out of orbit.

LIGO black hole echoes hint at general-relativity breakdown

Gravitational-wave data show tentative signs of firewalls or other exotic physics.

Europe's future in space

The crucial ministerial meeting held every two years when the agency’s 22 member states spend 48 hours debating one subject – Europe’s future in space.

The earth's rotation is slowing - and days will eventually be 25 hours long

After a review of celestial data spanning 27 centuries, a team of astronomers has determined that Earth’s orbit slows almost two milliseconds every 100 years.

This Entire Galaxy Is Being Ravaged by Its Supermassive Black Hole

A stunning new image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a galaxy that's being strangled by tentacles of gas and dust. The strange and intricate shape of this celestial object is caused by a supermassive black hole.

Second SpaceShipTwo performs first glide flight

Virgin Galactic's second SpaceShipTwo performed its first free flight Dec. 3, a glide test that begins the next phase in testing of the spaceplane.

"Many Interacting Worlds" theory suggests parallel universes

A new paper published by scientists from the Griffith’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics claims that parallel universes do exist.

Cassini to explore rings of Saturn as it heads towards grand finale

For more than a decade, the Cassini spacecraft has been exploring the system of Saturn, some 1.2 billion kilometres from Earth. As the first phase of its final descent begins, we look at what it has discovered about the ringed planet and its moons, and what happens next.

The Logic and Beauty of Cosmological Natural Selection

The hypothesis is cosmological natural selection, and its power, beauty and logic provide what may be the best scientific explanation for the existence of complexity and life in the universe.

Major supercluster of galaxies found hidden by the Milky Way

An international team of astronomers has discovered a previously unknown major concentration of galaxies in the constellation Vela, which they have dubbed the Vela supercluster.

Scientists Discovered a Mind-Boggling Chasm on Mercury

Larger than the Grand Canyon, wider and deeper than East Africa’s Great Rift Valley, Mercury’s newly-discovered “Great Valley” boggles the imagination. But it’s more than size that makes this geologic feature remarkable.

Scientists are building a telescope to seek another Earth

A consortium launched a crowdfunding campaign for an optical instrument that could search for planets in Alpha Centauri.

Discovery Of A Nearby Super Earth With Only 5 Times Our Mass

An international team of researchers have found another planet orbiting a red dwarf; in this case, a small super-Earth less than 33 light years away.

Chinese manned space mission docks with space station

According to the mission schedule, the astronauts will remain in the space station for 30 days and spend a total of 33 days in space, making the mission the longest in space so far for China.