Worms Born in ‘Mars Soil’ For the First Time

The discovery is a major game-changer for planning our relationship with the Red Planet in the future. The good news: There will be salads.

China’s Dark Matter Satellite Has Produced Some Unusual Results

The experiment has directly detected a sudden drop-off in the electrons hitting the satellite.

This Is the Deepest View Into the Universe That Has Ever Been Seen

The Very Large Telescope in Chile has taken the deepest spectroscopic survey of space ever, with astronomers focusing on the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

MIT's winning solar-powered dome tree habitats for Mars

MIT team designed an environmentally friendly city for the red planet that mimics a forest, with solar-powered dome tree habitats connected with roots, or tunnels.

Infant stars discovered near Milky Way's supermassive black hole

ALMA has revealed signs of eleven low-mass stars forming perilously close — within three light-years — to the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole, known to astronomers as Sagittarius A*.

Interstellar Dust Could Transport Life from Star to Star

According to a recent study, space dust could be what brought life molecules to Earth. This same mechanism could be responsible for the distribution of life throughout the Universe.

The First Known Interstellar Asteroid Looks Incredibly Weird 

Scientists know of 750,000 or so asteroids and comets—and all of them are part of this fine solar system. That is, all of them but one. And as new research shows, it is weird.

Closest temperature world orbiting quiet star discovered

A team working with HARPS in Chile has found that the red dwarf star Ross 128 is orbited by a low-mass exoplanet every 9.9 days. The exoplanet is expected to be with a surface temperature close to that of Earth.

Earth is getting hit by too much anti-matter

Astronomers think that Earth is showered by 'anti-electrons' because of pulsars, but there are more of these particles coming at us than there should be.

Periodic Table of Exoplanets Classifies Over 3,700 Known Worlds

Astronomer from Puerto Rico has put together a Periodic Table of Exoplanets, where each of the 3,700 confirmed exoplanets is slotted into its own discrete category—including planets that could harbor life.

Exoplanet 55 Cancri e likely to have atmosphere

Twice as big as Earth, the super-Earth 55 Cancri e was thought to have lava flows on its surface. Now, a new analysis finds this planet likely has an atmosphere whose ingredients could be similar to those of Earth.

NASA's Next-Generation Spaceplane Passes Free Flight Test

It’s called the Dream Chaser, a reusable spaceplane that will one day transport cargo and crews to the International Space Station.

Twinkle in a forming star suggests existence of a very young planet

An international team of researchers have found an infrequent variation in the brightness of a forming star. Its repeated behavior suggests the presence of a hidden planet.

Building Electronics That Can Work on Venus

NASA, with an eye to future missions, is looking to create robotic missions and components that can survive inside Venus’ atmosphere for prolonged periods of time.

The Star That Would Not Die

Astronomers have made a bizarre discovery; a star that refuses to stop shining.