Scientists Discover a Stunning River of Stars Flowing Through Space

A stunning river of stars has been spotted flowing through the intergalactic space in a cluster of galaxies about 300 million light years away.

Exoplanet LHS 3154 b seems way too big for its tiny star

The nearly Neptune-sized planet LHS 3154 b orbits close to a very small star and challenges theories of how planets form.

Astronomers find life ingredient at galaxy's edges

The discovery of phosphorus in a molecular cloud at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy extends the presence of the element almost twice as far out as where it was known to exist.

China's Mars Lander Detects Subsurface Geometrical Shapes

China's Zhurong rover, equipped with a ground-penetrating radar system, identified irregular polygonal wedges located at a depth of about 35 meters all along the robot's journey.

Synchronized Dance of a 6-Planet System

Six planets orbit their central star in a rhythmic beat, a rare case of an “in sync” gravitational lockstep that could offer deep insight into planet formation and evolution.

Scientists Mystified by Rare, High-Energy Cosmic Ray

Scientists in Utah have detected the second-most energetic cosmic ray ever seen. The powerful particle rivals the highest-energy cosmic ray on record, called the Oh-My-God particle, which was spotted in 1991.

JWST detects methane in atmosphere of blistering hot WASP-80 b

Finding methane in the atmosphere of WASP-80 b provides a good roadmap for how to do it for planets more conducive to life.

Webb details WASP-107b, the weird exoplanet where it rains sand

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) recently looked at WASP-107b, a puffy, strange, hot planet about 200 light-years from Earth.

JWST Has Found A Young Galaxy With A Surprising Amount of Metals

Astrophysicists working with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have found a surprising amount of metal in a galaxy only 350 million years after the Big Bang.

The colossal ‘Tasmanian devil’ exploding in space

Last year, global astronomers picked up evidence of an explosion called a luminous fast blue optical transient, or LFBOT. But the bizarre thing about this explosion was that it kept exploding.

New study finds lunar swirls linked to topography

Every lunar swirl identified to date coincides with a magnetic field over the lunar surface, which scientists think deflects solar particles. There also seems to be a connection between lunar swirls and lava tubes buried beneath them.

Hubble confirms Earth-sized exoplanet only 22 light years away

The chances of finding extraterrestrial life have improved slightly after NASA announced that its Hubble Space Telescope has confirmed the size of an Earth-sized exoplanet only 22 light-years from Earth.

A green glow in the martian night

When future astronauts explore Mars's polar regions, they will see a green glow lighting up the night sky. For the first time, a visible nightglow has been detected in the martian atmosphere by ESA's ExoMars mission.

Webb Telescope Spots the Second Most Distant Galaxy Yet

A recent deep field image from the Webb Space Telescope features two galaxies. These galaxies are remarkable for their distance from Earth, being the second and fourth most distant galaxies ever observed.

Astronomers spot aurora on the sun for the 1st time

Scientists have spotted a stunning "aurora-like" display of crackling radio waves over the surface of the sun that is strikingly similar to the Northern Lights on Earth.