New hope for an atmosphere on TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet

Data from 2023 soured hopes that a nearby exoplanet had a habitable atmosphere. That disappointment might have been premature.

Life Could Exist in Space Even Without Planets, Scientists Say

We focus on planets as habitats for life but what if other environments, even ones maintained by organisms themselves, can also provide these necessities?

Mystery Signals May Be Coming From One of The Rarest Stars in The Galaxy

A few years ago, a radio telescope operating out of the desert of Western Australia observed something very weird.

Dark Matter May Have Existed Before The Big Bang, Study Finds

In case dark matter didn't seem mysterious enough, a new study proposes that it could have arisen before the Big Bang.

Our Sun Could Be Overdue For a Violent Superflare, Study Warns

A new analysis of the eruption rates of 56,400 Sun-like stars has estimated that the Sun's superflare rate is at the low end of that scale – once every 100 years.

Scientists Set Out to Capture a Black Hole - an Explosion Photobombed

Astronomers made a photo of a colossal belch – a gamma-ray eruption from one of the powerful jets of plasma launched from the black hole's poles as it feeds.

NASA Performs First Aircraft Accident Investigation on Another World

The review takes a close look the final flight of the agency’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, which was the first aircraft to fly on another world.

Black Hole Jet Stumbles Into Something in the Dark

Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have found an unusual mark from a giant black hole’s powerful jet striking an unidentified object in its path.

Found: First Actively Forming Galaxy as Lightweight as Young Milky Way

For the first time, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has detected and "weighed" a galaxy that not only existed around 600 million years after the big bang, but is also similar to what our Milky Way.

Scientists Say Something May Have Rearranged the Planets

An object up to dozens of times the mass of Jupiter flying through our solar system may have disrupted planetary orbits.

The Universe's Mind-Bending Expansion

Scientists know the Universe is expanding because they can track other galaxies as they move away from ours. They define expansion using the rate that other galaxies move away from us. 

Enigmatic 'Dark Comets' Come in Two Distinct Types

Dark comets are objects that looks like asteroids but acts like comets. Now, new research has doubled the number of known dark comets and grouped them into two distinct populations.

Supermassive black hole binary emits unexpected flares

Their orbit periodically takes them through a cloud of gas, triggering flares.

Astronomers close to solving mystery of how universe's giant galaxies formed

Astrophysicists find the birth sites of gigantic elliptical galaxies which they say gives new clues about how they were formed. The galaxies look like bulging footballs and how they were created remains a mystery to scientists -- until now.

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Water Is Similar to Earth's Water

Contradicting the results of several recent studies, the new findings reopen the case that Jupiter-family comets like 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko could have helped deliver water to Earth.