China's Dark Matter Satellite Sends Back First Data

There's a new player in the hunt for dark matter: China's Dark Matter Particle Explore (DAMPE) satellite, which launched on December 17. Ground stations have just received the first data beamed back from DAMPE. With all systems fully operational, the satellite officially begins its three-year mission.

These were the top 10 space events of 2015

This was a golden year for planetary exploration thanks to all of the NASA and European Space Agency missions that were planned and implemented decades ago. Not since Apollo and the epic space race of the Cold War has space featured so heavily in the public eye.

A Crazy New Theory Suggests That Our Galaxy Is A Giant Worm Hole

An international team of scientists have crunched the numbers and discovered something straight out of science-fiction: They claim that the center of our galaxy could host a giant wormhole.

Wolf 1061c:Closest potentially habitable exoplanet ever Discovered

The astronomers who found it think the planet is rocky and resides within the habitable zone -- close enough to its host star to host liquid water.

The Horsehead Nebula

The Horsehead Nebula is one of the most famous nebulae on the sky. It is visible as the dark indentation to the red emission nebula in the center of the above photograph.

XXL Hunt for Galaxy Clusters

Observations from ESO telescopes provide crucial third dimension in probe of Universe's dark side. ESO telescopes have provided an international team of astronomers with the gift of the

Ceres Rotation and Occator Crater

Dwarf planet Ceres is shown in these false-color renderings, which highlight differences in surface materials. Images from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft were used to create a movie of Ceres rotating, followed by a flyover view of Occator Crater, home of Ceres’ brightest area.

Black holes have a size limit of 50 billion suns

Physicists have firmed up a theoretical limit on the mass of a black hole by figuring out when it will disrupt the disc that feeds it.

Skywatcher Snaps Mesmerizing View of Spider Nebula (Photo)

Astrophotographer Ron Brecher took this image of IC 417, known as the spider nebula, from Guelph, Ontario.

This Massive Exoplanet Is Being Born Right Now

For the first time, astronomers have directly observed a planet in the making.

Winter Is Coming: Giant Ice Cloud Appears On Titan

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected a massive, never-before-seen icy cloud at the south pole of Saturn's huge moon Titan.

Leap-second decision delayed by eight years

Some want to scrap adjustment that keeps atomic time in sync with Earth

The world's biggest volcano is a magnetic mix-up

Five weeks of mapping at sea suggests two possible origins for the underwater Tamu Massif.

Creation of a planet witnessed for the first time

Astronomers observe up to three newborn planets evolving from a disk of gas and dust particles circling a distant Sun-like star.