Dark matter mystery deepens

(PhysOrg.com) -- Like all galaxies, our Milky Way is home to a strange substance called dark matter. Dark matter is invisible, betraying its presence only through its gravitational pull. Without dark matter holding them together, our galaxy

Youngest baby exoplanet discovered

"Congratulations LkCa 15! You've given birth to a proto-exoplanet!"

Weird exoplanetary system dances to the beat

If there's one thing to be said for the Kepler mission, it's certainly turning up some very strange new worlds.

ALMA Opens Its Eyes. The most powerful millimetre/submillimetre-wavelength telescope in the world opens for business and reveals its first image

Humanity's most complex ground-based astronomy observatory, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), has officially opened for astronomers. The first released image, from a telescope still under construction, reveals a view of the Universe that cannot be seen at all by visible-light and infrared telescopes. Thousands of scientists from around the world have competed to be among the first few researchers to explore some of the darkest, coldest, furthest, and most hidden secrets of the cosmos with this new astronomical tool.

Scientists release most accurate simulation of the universe to date

The Bolshoi supercomputer simulation, announced Thursday, is the most accurate and detailed large cosmological simulation run to date, giving physicists and

Was a giant planet ejected from the Solar system?

The "fifth planet" is a hypothesized giant world that was flung out of our solar system 4 billion years ago.

Could primordial black holes be dark matter?

(PhysOrg.com) -- “We know that about 25% of the matter in the universe is dark matter, but we don’t know what it is,” Michael Kesden tells PhysOrg.com. “There are a number of different theories about what dark matter could be, but we think one alternative might be very small primordial black holes.”

Exquisite exoplanetary art: photos

Check out Exquisite Exoplanetary Art: Photos

Future NASA rocket to be most powerful ever built (Update)

To soar far away from Earth and even beyond the moon, NASA has dreamed up the world

Thundersnow: ultimate storm recorded by NASA (a rare thundersnow event was recorded by NASA instruments, showing lightning traveled for 50 miles in low clouds)

Discovery News digs deep into our world's mysteries. Join us to explore current events and uncover the science behind the headlines. We Dig. You Discover.

Our universe at home within a larger Universe? So suggests physicist's wormhole research

Could our universe be located within the interior of a wormhole which itself is part of a black hole that lies within a much larger universe?

New tool will help astronomers confirm possible alien worlds

A new ground-based instrument will help astronomers using NASA

Chasing the dream of human spaceflight

Sierra Nevada Corporation's (SNC) proposed Dream Chaser vehicle. It looks like a spacecraft ought to look. This is one of the key US commercial human spaceflight projects now in development.

International space station begins new era of utilization

A new era of utilization for research and technology begins for the completed International Space Station. The orbiting laboratory shifts focus in 2011 from finalizing construction efforts to full-scale use of the facility for scientific investigation and technological advances.

Fifty new exoplanets discovered by HARPS

Astronomers using ESO’s world-leading exoplanet hunter HARPS have today announced a rich haul of more than 50 new exoplanets, including 16 super-Earths, one of which orbits at the edge of the habitable zone of its star. By studying the properties of all the HARPS planets found so far, the team has found that about 40% of stars similar to the Sun have at least one planet lighter than Saturn.