Astronomers have produced a highly detailed image of the Crab Nebula, by combining data from telescopes spanning nearly the entire breadth of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Fossils discovered in ancient hot spring deposits in the Pilbara have pushed back by 580 million years the earliest known evidence for microbial life on land.
The next generations will be fed a steady diet of images and discoveries stemming from the Super Telescopes. And the LUVOIR will be front and centre among those ‘scopes.
The United Arab Emirates has unveiled a new project that aims to establish the first inhabitable human settlement on Mars by 2117.
New observations suggests that the largest of Jupiter's Moon Io lakes, Loki Patera, produces enormous waves that repeatedly flow around the molten surface.
The image was taken on 11 December 2016 at 1744 UT, from an altitude of about 52,200 kilometres above the planet’s beautiful cloud tops.
A supervoid is unlikely to explain a ‘Cold Spot’ in the cosmic microwave background, leaving room for exotic explanations like a collision between universes.
The Prototype Lunar/Mars Greenhouse project uses what's called "bioregenerative life support system" that mimics Earth's environment to be able to grow plants outside our planet.
Ben Tippett, a mathematics and physics instructor has created a formula that describes a method for time travel. " We tend to think it's not possible because we don't actually do it," says Tippett. "But, mathematically, it is possible."
The aging space observatory, which launched into low Earth orbit on April 24, 1990, kicked off this year's birthday celebration with some dazzling new views of a pair of spiral galaxies.
Before it goes out in a blaze of glory, Cassini has been sending back some of the most incredible images of Saturn and its moons—but one of its latest from Saturn’s rings is especially spectacular.
The study of alien worlds is entering its next phase as astronomers amass the best planets outside our Solar System to look for signs of life. A newly discovered “super-Earth” has catapulted itself to the top of that list.
The WFIRST mission, the next in the agency’s line of powerful observatories after the Hubble and James Webb telescopes to probe the make-up of planets around nearby stars and a bigger-than-expected launch vehicle.
Elon Musk said last week he is “fairly confident” his company’s Falcon rockets can be made fully reusable within a couple of years.
Using the ALMA, astronomers have revealed extraordinary details about a recently discovered far-flung member of our Solar System, the planetary body 2014 UZ224, more informally known as DeeDee.