The team detected the blue supergiant star — which shone when the universe was just one-third its current age — with the help of both the Hubble Space Telescope and gravitational lensing.
A Monday SpaceX launch also carried an unconventional cargo: an experimental system known as RemoveDEBRIS, which scientists hope will help clean up Earth’s space junk-littered upper atmosphere.
This summer, NASA will launch the Parker Solar Probe, an impressively heat-resistant spacecraft destined to glide closer to the surface of the Sun than any spacecraft before it.
It was the fifth set of 10 satellites that SpaceX has launched for Iridium, whose $3 billion projects is expected to include a total of 81 satellites – with 75 launched by SpaceX.
K2-229b, a rocky planet was recently discovered by astronomers, is located 339 light years away. It is 20% larger than Earth and has a composition similar to Mercury.
The novel European Space Agency technology would scoop up atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen during near-Earth orbits and turn it into fuel.
Top officials said Tuesday that more time is needed to assemble and test the James Webb Space Telescope, which is considered a successor to the long-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.
Tabetha Boyajian and her colleagues reported that the star experienced its greatest dip since it was observed by the Kepler mission in 2013.
An international team of researchers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and several other observatories have, for the first time, uncovered a galaxy that is missing dark matter.
The first interstellar object ever seen in our solar system, named ‘Oumuamua, is giving scientists a fresh perspective on how planets, asteroids and comets form.
The European Space Agency picked the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey (ARIEL) mission to explore the nature of exoplanets.
China plans to create new classes of heavy rockets in future, these include the Long March 9 rocket, a three-stage, super-heavy rocket that would allow for crewed missions to the Moon.
The Hubble Telescope has taken some breathtaking images along the way. That includes the Eagle Nebula, also called the Pillars of Creation or M16. Now, Hubble’s added another twelve new images.
According to a recent interview Musk made at the 2018 SXSW conference, the Big Falcon Rocket will be ready to conduct test launches in the next two years.
The Kepler spacecraft responsible for detecting 2,245 exoplanets, and another 2,342 yet to be confirmed, is running out of fuel and may have just a few months left before its lights go out.