Europe's First Spacecraft to Jupiter Will Be Taking a Crazy Route

They say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but for JUICE—a European Space Agency-led, Jupiter-bound probe scheduled to launch in 2022.

Space junk is a problem but don't blame it on ISRO

The ISRO sent 104 satellites into orbit on Wednesday and the wild applause was soon followed by growing mutterings about India's space agency adding to space junk.

8 Space Reasons to Look up in 2017

Everything from meteor showers and eclipses to epic space missions and more, 2017 will be worth looking up for and forward too.

Our Next Trip to Saturn Will Be to Search for Alien Life

As the Cassini spacecraft executes its final daredevil maneuvers, scientists on both sides of the Atlantic are already thinking about the next mission to Saturn. But this time they're talking about hunting for life in Saturn's rings.

Curiosity finds tantalizing clues as it ascends Martian mountain

Boron, changing minerals offer evidence of a habitable lake and complex chemistry.

Japanese 'space junk' ship heads to the ISS

Scientists from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency have come up with an experimental ship that pulls outer space debris out of orbit.

Europe's future in space

The crucial ministerial meeting held every two years when the agency’s 22 member states spend 48 hours debating one subject – Europe’s future in space.

Cassini to explore rings of Saturn as it heads towards grand finale

For more than a decade, the Cassini spacecraft has been exploring the system of Saturn, some 1.2 billion kilometres from Earth. As the first phase of its final descent begins, we look at what it has discovered about the ringed planet and its moons, and what happens next.

Chinese manned space mission docks with space station

According to the mission schedule, the astronauts will remain in the space station for 30 days and spend a total of 33 days in space, making the mission the longest in space so far for China.

ExoMars orbiter safely arrives at Mars, lander's fate uncertain

Live coverage of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and the Schiaparelli lander arriving at Mars.

Schiaparelli Lander Prepares for Touchdown on Mars

If successful, the October 19th landing would be a historic first for Europe

Mars Explorers. Must Be Able To Tolerate Boredom And Play Nice With Others

In December, NASA put out a call for adventurers interested in interplanetary exploration. A vast pool of applications will be cut to 120 finalists, who will vie to become part of NASA’s next class of eight to 12 astronauts.

Final images from Rosetta spacecraft before crash landing on comet

The Rosetta spacecraft ended its historic mission by crashing on the surface of the dusty, icy comet. It has spent 12 years chasing in a hunt that has provided insight into the early days of the solar system and captured the public's imagination.

China readies launch of space station pathfinder mission

China is scheduled to launch a human-rated spacecraft the size of a bus Thursday, paving the way for a month-long visit by two astronauts in October and nudging the country’s space program closer to building a large research complex in orbit by the early 2020s.

One of NASA's cleanest spacecraft ever is ready to fly

OSIRIS-REx will bring back specimens for researchers to interrogate inside high-tech labs around the world, seeking clues about the origin of life, water and the planets themselves. The results could be skewed by an unexpected microbe or spore from planet Earth.