NASA's Next Mission to Mars Will Probe the Red Planet's Deep Interior

InSight will do a deep dive into the Martian underground, putting two instruments onto the surface that will ferry information back from the depths.

A gallery of Voyager’s greatest hits—and they are truly great

“Time after time, we discovered things that we hadn’t even imagined.”

NASA Plans to Send CubeSat To Venus to Unlock Atmospheric Mystery

Once deployed, the mission will determine the composition, chemistry, dynamics, and radioactive transfer of Venus’ atmosphere.

Nasa's Cassini spacecraft to begin final journey around Saturn

Nasa’s Cassini spacecraft is set to commence its final five orbits around Saturn, marking the final phase of its exploration mission of the planet.

Researchers Just Launched a Prototype of Humanity's First 'Interstellar Spacecraft'

Recently, the Breakthrough Initiatives project took a big leap toward achieving its ultimate goal by successfully sending six test craft into Low Earth Orbit.

Cassini's Finale Steps - Haze on Saturn’s horizon

Cassini will pass through Saturn’s upper atmosphere during the final five orbits of the mission, before making a fateful plunge into Saturn on 15 September 2017.

Cassini Finds that Titan is Building the Life Chemicals

A discovery on Saturn's Moon Titan could be an indication of how life begins to emerge throughout the Universe.

Saturn's Hexagonal Storm Is Pure Chaotic Beauty In New Cassini Images

Ihe intrepid orbiter sent back some truly stellar pics of the planet's most unusual feature: The raging hexagonal storm on its North Pole.

Chinese astronomy satellite placed into orbit by Long March rocket

China’s first X-ray astronomy satellite launched Thursday on a mission to survey the Milky Way galaxy for black holes and pulsars.

Saturday’s SpaceX launch carried a Chinese experiment

This particular SpaceX launch made history in another way: by carrying a Chinese science experiment to the station for the first time.

Best Jupiter Images From Juno So Far

The original plans for the Juno mission to Jupiter didn’t include a color camera. But a camera was added to the manifest, and the incredible images from the JunoCam have been grabbing the spotlight.

NASA to send a solar probe to the sun in 2018

NASA will send the Parker Solar Probe to the sun in 2018. The landmark mission “will revolutionize our understanding of the sun.”

Approaching Jupiter

The image was taken on 11 December 2016 at 1744 UT, from an altitude of about 52,200 kilometres above the planet’s beautiful cloud tops.

Hollywood's Miscoception about Female Astronauts and the Reality of Space

Traveling in space, the data shows, can be a positive experience for participants, giving them a greater appreciation for people, nature and our tiny place in the universe.

Worlds’ 1st Recycled Booster from SpaceX Sails Serenely into Port Canaveral

The world’s first recycled booster - namely a SpaceX Falcon 9 - sailed into Port Canaveral yesterday atop the tiny droneship on which it soft landed shortly after launching on March 30 for an unprecedented second time.