EU Cars: Diesel Emissions Greatly Exceed Tests

A new study reports finds that in Europe, 10 major auto manufacturers produced diesel cars, sold between 2000 and 2015, that generate up to 16 times more emissions on the road than in regulatory tests.

What is the real cost of air travel

The tank of a Boeing 747 holds over 200,000 liters (52,000 gallons) of kerosene when full — about as much fuel as 4,000 small cars.

Study shows air pollution may be causing cognitive decline in people

Chinese and US researchers has found a link between air pollution and human cognitive decline. The study consisted of carrying out math and verbal testing of 25,000 people living in 162 counties in China.

Thailand to permanently ban plastic, e-scrap imports

Thailand will ban more than 400 types of electronic scrap (e-scrap) imports within the next six months. The government also will ban all types of plastic scrap imports over the course of the next two years.

Mystery of Chlorofluorocarbon resurgence may be solved

Researchers may have found the reason for the rise in levels of CFCs in the atmosphere: factories in China that produce foam for refrigerators and buildings.

6th grader invents device that hunts for ocean microplastics

A creation is an underwater device that uses light to detect harmful pollution in the ocean and it does so without harming living organisms.

Fabric softener sales plummet, thanks to Millennials

Millennials are far more concerned about chemicals in the products they buy than their parents ever were. To them fabric softener is a big no-no, full of chemicals that coat fabrics with a light layer of lubrication.

Disposable 'fast fashion' in the spotlight in the UK

The environmental audit committee in UK will investigate the social and environment impact of this type of short-lived clothing and the wider industry.

Immediate ban of older diesel vehicles in Germany

The highest court in Germany has ruled that cities can ban older diesel vehicles immediately, paving the way for swift action against air pollution.

Someone is producing ozone-depleting chemical again

Instead of an accelerating decline, ozone - destroying CFC-11 showed a steady drop of 2.1 parts-per-trillion each year between 2002 and 2012. Since then, its decline has actually slowed.

How We Can Keep Plastics Out of Our Ocean

National Geographic is launching of Plastic or Planet initiative. It will be a long-term, multi-year commitment.

Wet Wipes Pollution Is Changing The Rivers Around The UK

Wet wipes are accumulating on the river beds and changing the course of rivers. They are made up cotton and plastic woven together and are non-biodegradable products that pollute the environment very severely.

The first cleaning system for the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

New images show that The Ocean Cleanup is building an innovative plastic-scooping system in Alameda, CA, and they’re planning to launch it as early as this summer.

Earth Day 2018 Focuses on Plastics Pollution

Each year on April 22, many people stop to think about the health of the world environment, as as if it were a New Year's Day for nature, many make resolutions to treat the world around them more responsibly.